1.1 Awakening

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(Current Location: Nurse Office,Paper School)

Rasazy P.O.V

Rasazy's consciousness flickered like a dimly lit bulb, struggling against the veil of unconsciousness. Slowly, she became aware of a soft, steady rhythm—a distant drumbeat pulsing in the recesses of her mind. With a gentle flutter, her eyelids parted, revealing the muted glow of a decency nurse's office.

As Rasazy's vision gradually cleared, she found herself lying upon a crisp white cot, enveloped in a cocoon of stillness. The room was hushed, save for the rhythmic hum of old but reliable medical equipment in Vicinity and the soft shuffle of footsteps nearby and Voice's?

????: What do you mean there is no identification about her?!!

????: I apologize, ma'am,but we checked the national database and there is no absolute match with her in terms of appearance, but names, on the other hand, are numbered around a hundred dozen.

?????: So you're telling me that you have absolutely no clue who this girl is?

?????: That is the case, ma'am. We currently put her in as an unidentified person, and as of now, we are using our overseas connections to see if they have her in their databases.

????: Very well, but contact me as soon as you have information about her.

????: understood, ma'am.

As she surveyed her surroundings and eavesdropped on the voice, a figure materialized. Amidst the haze of confusion, a figure materialized in the doorway—a silhouette framed by the soft glow of ambient light. As the figure stepped forward, Rasazy's vision sharpened, revealing the form of a woman whose presence exuded an aura of quiet strength and poise.

The woman's features were illuminated by the faint light, casting her face in shadowy relief. Her eyes, pools of darkness tinged with hints of warmth, bore into Rasazy's own with an intensity that sent a shiver coursing down her spine.

As the woman drew nearer, Rasazy discerned her features: her hair is white and styled in a ponytail. She has black horns on her head; one of them is broken in half. On the unbroken horn, she has a piece of paper with a triangle crossed through it by two lines. She wears a monocle. She also wears a green suit with two buttons, a collared shirt with a black tie, and a long black skirt. Her skin is white, but her hands and legs are black.

?????: I see you are awake now, girl.

Rasazy: Who are you?

??????: You may refer to me as Miss Grace,but what is your name, girl?

Rasazy: Rasazy is my name. Nice to meet you, Miss Grace.

I replied calmly to the now-named Miss Grace.

Miss Grace:How are you feeling? Currently

Rasazy: I'm fine physically, at least,but I'm not sure how I got to this place.

Miss Grace: I found you unconscious in the school courtyard, but I do not know how you got there in the first place.

Miss Grace:But it is rather curious that if you do not know yourself, why are you in there,Razasy?

Then Rasazy suddenly noticed a new shadow that appeared to reveal another figure—a kind-looking teacher whose presence seemed to fill the room with an air of friendliness.

????: Miss Grace, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, but another matter happens in school.

Then Miss Grace turned around and proceeded to stare at the man.

Miss Grace: Let me guess Oliver, Zip, and Edward again. What do they do now?

????: It is them, Miss Grace, and they have contaminated the indoor pool with ink, thus making the pool unsafe for students to swim in the waters of the pool.

Rasazy then saw the posture of Miss Grace turn tense,one of her arms clasped to a fist,her eyebrows furrowed, and, to top it all off, her jaws clasped.

Miss Grace: Those Damm Boys, Mr. Demi, tell the other teachers that the indoor pool is now temporarily closed. I will have to call for some cleaning crews to clean up this mess.

The now-named Mister Demi promptly said:

At once, Miss Grace.

And he disappeared into the corridors.

Then Miss Grace tilts toward her.

Miss Grace: It seems our conversation is being cut short, Rasazy,but we will finish it later. I still have problems to solve for these issues that Oliver and his friends caused.So for now, stay in bed and don't leave this room.

I nodded my head in response to her words.

Miss Grace: Good

And she proceeded to leave the room.

As she leaves the room, Rasazy begins to think, "Did the book bring me here?" And something along the lines. Also, it seems she can't use her powers because they seem to be weakened due to her arrival in this AU or whatever world she is in, but even so, it did not put her at risk,for her power seems to be growing back to its original state.

But what truly worries her is: When will her brother find her in this world? It could be mere days, weeks, months, or even years for that to happen after all their multiverse is always growing and the number of AU's is rising for every new iteration,and she can't even travel to another world by herself. She could possibly brute force the process, but it is inefficient. But even so, her brother is the one who is blessed with the power to open portals to alternate dimensions—not her, but sometimes, especially in her current predicament. She wishes that they were both capable of opening portals to alternative dimensions.

After thinking, she notices an old-looking book near the bed, and she promptly grabs it and sees what type of book it is.

Rasazy: Aww, it's not a romance novel,but at least I got something to not make me bored here in this bed.

And she opened the book and proceeded to read it,not noticing the time passing by.

To Be Continued

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu