A Debut of a Lifetime

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Hello there, UltimateDemonBeast65 here with another chapter of Remnants of Ghosts! We apologise for not getting this chapter out sooner, we all had emergencies and other things going on, but also not as much motivation to write some days. But we pulled ourselves together and finished the chapter, and we hope you enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: If anyone has any questions or criticism, review or PM me, but also, PLEASE if you're going to make a review, don't just leave a "good job" or "nice chapter" or a one to two to three-word response. PLEASE give us insightful reviews, both so that we know what you guys would like to see and also if there are any parts you might have done differently or done better.

Also remember that the Commander's name in this setting is Gareth Isageum, and any mention of the first or last name is referring to the Commander.

Five Nights at Freddy's is owned by Scott Cawthon and Steel Wool Games

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE is owned by the SHIFT UP Corporation and Level Infinite

Mighty Tools' Workshop, The Outpost, 218X

"So...this is what was inside the Toy Store the whole time?" Liter asked as she inspected the deactivated bear animatronic.

"That's what they said." The Commander replied. "It was hiding in the storage room, and appeared to vanish from time to time."

"That would explain why none of the other Nikkes could find it." Centi commented as she also inspected the animatronic bear. "What do you make of this, Liter?"

"Well, for one thing, this robot bear is quite a fossil." Liter explained. "The hardware on this guy is outdated, I'd say mid 21st Century technology."

"Wait, hold on a sec, are you telling me this thing is over a hundred years old?!" Anis exclaimed in disbelief.

"As you know, most of the robots manufactured in the Ark are designed with dense carbon fiber in mind with some of them, mainly the robots that were built to resemble animals from the modern world, possessing an artificial anatomy." Centi explained.

"That's how you get cute critters like Volt over here." Liter said, patting her robotic canine companion, who barked affectionately. "But this bear has no sign of any carbon fiber nor any systems or functions that would allow it to eat, sleep or breathe."

"I don't think that whoever built this thing was trying to create a life-like bear." Centi pondered. "If anything, this looks more like those old animatronics used at children's restaurants. Can you see any dates, initials or branding anywhere?"

Liter then carefully prided the stomach of the animatronic bear open, revealing the space within its stomach cavity while also seeing glimpses of the endoskeleton inside.

"So if this robot bear is really over a hundred years old, do you think it would be worth something on the market?" Neon asked curiously.

"You're not planning on selling this rust-bucket, are you?" Anis questioned in a suspicious glance.

"No! I was just curious if it was worth something, considering that it's basically an antique robot." Neon replied with an annoyed pout.

"You might wanna rethink that idea." Liter said as she examined the animatronic. "According to this, it belongs to a company."

"Which company? Missilis? Tetra?" Rapi asked.

"Fazbear Entertainment." Liter answered, surprising and/or confusing the others.

"Never heard a single thing about them." Anis commented. "I mean, Fazbear? I guess it checks out, given the animatronic bear."

"Whoever they are, it seems as though the company had been making animatronics before the First Invasion." Rapi concluded.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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