Chapter 1: Pathetic Monster

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In a dark and cold room, you were left in fear of what he might do. His words continued endless spirals in your mind, creating disasters among disasters in your brain as it only tried to cope. You felt like you were on thin ice at all times, and with one misstep, it'd all crack. The entirety of it is now, as you've tried to reconstruct it, could be broken under the smallest pressure. There, you'd plummet to the depths of that cold water, the cold water that makes your throat tighten and your lungs gasp for air. Once you've sunken, you could reach out all you want, but no one would save you. Not even a single soul; and as long as it's under his word, you wouldn't come up for air ever again. Your freedom was limited as is, so you would never dare say anything to reverse the tides that have threatened to swallow you whole again and again because no matter the situation, you'd only be dead meat. Your life was nothing more than a puppet and a puppet master. There was no light shed on your end, only this raging, cold, depressing darkness.

When you were only the young age of 9, you were casted away, your parents not caring what became of you because they were greedy, money-grubbing, soulless people. Yet, since they were your parents, you looked to them with nothing but the love in your poor little heart. Your parents and friends made this entire ordeal seem like something that would change your life forever, only you never thought it would be for the worst and no one cared to clarify because they didn't even know what goes on behind the scenes. No one knew but the person pulling your strings. So, tell me, how does it feel to be a toy?

"You should be kissing the ground that I walk on!" A slap landed straight on your face with a rage that could only come from one person you know. The sting reopened that unhealed wound your heart has had for all these years. "I do everything with you in thought, and you just decide to try and give up on your already pathetic life?" He was referring to the scars he noticed on your arms earlier this afternoon, before the moon rose to shine upon your shortcomings. "You don't deserve the peace that death offers you. In case you don't remember; the reason you're insignificant is due to the bastard, who held your soul before you, for committing to what you're too cowardly to do."

The world's rotation seemed to have quickened its pace with the way your thoughts were as uncontrollable as a tornado. Your lungs seemed to burn under the force his words pushed on you. You had nothing to stabilize yourself with, and he was using that to his advantage. All you could do, as the weakling you were, was sit there and take it.

"But don't worry, that's why I'm here for you. I'm going to continue to take care of you even if you do make humiliating mistakes." That coo in his voice made your skin crawl and your stomach churn to the putrid sound it left in your ears. His hand unwelcomingly caressed your cheek, your gaze shooting up in his direction. "Why is there so much fear in your eyes, little one? Don't you know I'm only here to comfort your delicate, fractured, ugly soul?" Pulled into an embrace you were, and you never felt more nauseous in your life.

The last time he ever hugged you like this was when you first arrived. The moment those open doors were closed, hands were on you and you fell back onto the floor beneath you. As a kid, all you felt was confusion, but as it all went on and time passed, that confusion turned into dread, anxiety, and numbness. The only time you ever felt something was when Akito was around, controlling you as if he held a magical voodoo doll in his hands.

The door opened behind Akito, causing them to back away from the pretend love they offered you to get a look at who dared to interrupt his playtime. "Ah, Hatori, how nice of you to join us." And to that name, tears that you didn't even realize were there, finally fell after none falling in what felt like weeks. "What brings you here on this beautiful night?" Akito raised his hand to the one window in the room, the curtains on it barely even opened, the blue light from the moon casting a glow into your direction.

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