Chapter 17

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As Clara's voice hums in the background, my thoughts wander, drifting through the past 24 hours of confusion and disarray.

It's been a full day since he started ignoring me, a day since everything turned strange and disjointed.

And then, amidst the chaos, Carlo dropped the bombshell about Darcy's injury, leaving me reeling with unanswered questions.

Now, my sole mission is to reach out to Darcy.

As Taehyung descended the stairs, adjusting his cufflinks with precision, Clara instinctively moved to serve him.

Meanwhile, his phone lay tantalizingly close on the dining table.

Without hesitation, I edged towards it, my hand stretching out, but Alex's reflexes were quicker.

With a swift motion, he slapped my hand away, clutching his phone protectively. His expression shifted to one of disappointment as he questioned my intentions.

"What are you trying to do, Sienna?" The sound of my name on his lips still sent shivers down my spine, but now was not the time to dwell on such feelings.

With irritation and frustration bubbling in my voice, I retorted, "I need to make a call."

His response was firm, cutting through the tension.

"You don't get to call anyone. As I said before, you're just living here for a deal. My work is to ensure your physical well-being."

His words hung in the air, heavy with implication, as if suggesting that everything between us was a colossal mistake.

Each syllable felt like a dagger, piercing through any hope of connection or understanding.

Every time we take one step forward, it feels like we're taking three back!

I rose from my seat, my voice calm yet charged thunder rumbled inside me

"I don't give a damn about whatever the hell you had with fucking Dongwon! You don't get to order me around just because you said so! When I say I need to make a call, I mean it, and you're a fucking control freak always trying to dictate everything!"

my chest heavy with emotion, as I spoke in one breath, In the next instant, I found myself pinned to the table, my back pressed firmly against its surface.

His hand wrapped tightly around my neck, not enough to inflict pain but sufficient to make my breath catch in my throat.

Despite Clara's protests echoing from behind, we were enveloped in our own world of desire and tension, locked in a silent battle, each glaring at the other as if wishing for nothing more than to kill each other in that moment.

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