Chapter 12

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               "Thrill of the Chase"

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               "Thrill of the Chase"


The indescribable intensity surges within me, fueling an urge to eliminate the man before me. However, the stakes are too high—my life and Darcy's hang in the balance.

As I stride forward, my father's scrutinizing gaze pierces through, but I maintain an outward confidence, concealing the turmoil within.

The room, though small, provided ample space. My father occupied the central couch, flanked by another man of similar age on one side, while a younger man sat across from him.

I observe a striking resemblance between the youngest and the older man, likely indicating a familial connection—perhaps father and son. Their shared features hint at their relationship as they both cast a speculative glance in my direction.

As my father begins to speak, his voice tender with pride, he gestures towards me, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "Here you are, sweetheart,"

he says, his words laced with admiration. "You've become absolutely beautiful, my dear."

I shift my gaze towards the young man across, his amber eyes fixed on me, a silent intensity in his stare. Meanwhile, my father continues, his tone brimming with paternal affection,

"I am proud of you, growing stronger with each passing day, carving your path on your own."

His words ring hollow, like black paint on a black canvas, masking the truth with deceit.

As I listen to him, a suffocating rage wells up within me, tempting me to silence him forever. But instead, I inhale deeply, exhaling slowly, unraveling the hidden motives beneath his honey words.

His intense stare pierces through me as he speaks, his words carrying the weight of finality.

"Enough of this dog and cat game, my daughter," he declares, his voice firm and unwavering.

"Now it's time for you to prove your worth, to demonstrate that your life holds value beyond mere amusement."

My heart races as the gravity of his words sinks in.

Despite my boiling anger, he persists in speaking, " Meet Jakov Pavlović, a prominent businessman from Croatia, and his son, Ivan Pavlović, known for their influence and intimidation across the country."

He subtly hints at their notorious reputation in both legitimate business circles and the underground mafia, underscoring the importance of their connections in our world of expanding enterprises and clandestine dealings.

"As you know," he continues,

"your father's business needs to expand into other countries as well as–"

I cut him off, my impatience bubbling over. "Get to the point," I demand, folding my arms tightly across my chest.

He gives me that familiar look, the one that used to silence me as a child when I talked too much, a grin playing on his lips before he finally speaks.

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