Chapter 10

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"Whispers in the night"

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"Whispers in the night"


As I aimed the gun at the shooting targets, my hands trembled under the weight of my father's disdainful gaze, piercing me with disgust.

With a disapproving "tsk," he approached, seizing my jaw tightly before delivering a stinging slap across my face.

As I crumpled to the ground from the force of the blow, he uttered with venom, "A daughter like you is nothing but a shameful stain on our family's name."

As he picked up the fallen gun, surrounded by the silent, stoic figures of the bodyguards, their disapproving glares bore into me, a constant reminder of my perceived weakness and inadequacy.

"Your foolishness knows no bounds," my father sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "To think that a girl as feeble-minded as you could ever aspire to teach anyone anything."

As I sit there, tears welling in my eyes, my father's words lashed out like a whip, each one more hurtful than the last. "You're a disappointment,"

he spat, his voice cold and cutting. "You'll never amount to anything. You're nothing but a burden, a waste of space. Don't even bother trying, because you'll only fail like you always do." With every word, I felt smaller, more powerless.

Leaning in close, my father sneered, "Let this sink into that tiny, worthless head of yours."

As my father stepped back, two men emerged, seizing me firmly by the arms and holding me in place.

Panic surged through me as I struggled against their grip, my eyes widening in horror as I watched my father raise the same gun.

Tears streaming down my face, I pleaded with a broken voice, the echoes of my desperation filling the room. "Please, Dad, I'll try, I'll try,"

I begged, but he only shook his head, his twisted smile twisting further as he clicked the gun and pulled the trigger-

Gasping for air, I jolted upright, my screams echoing through the room. Scrambling back to my bed, I clutched the blanket tightly around me, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to steady my breathing.

Light filtered in through the closed window, casting eerie shadows around the room, and I realized with relief that it was just a nightmare-a terrifyingly vivid one that left me shaken to the core.

I collapsed back onto my bed, the events of that fateful day replaying in my mind like a cruel film.

I remembered the terror of his actions on that day, the gunshot ringing in my ears, but also the relief of feeling only a graze on my leg and bruises as the bullet missed its mark. Yet, even though I survived physically,

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