Chapter 5- Climb!

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*Mark's POV*
"Everyone get out!" I yell as I quickly pass a seatbelt cutter I found around. We're all attempting to break the windows, but Matt's the only one who broke one. We all climb through the car to get out of the window.

Levi stops as he tries to pull his brother free. There's no hope in rescuing him since the water conditions are getting worse.

"I can't leave him!" He yells, but I motion for him to come on. Matt and I can barely swim and I'm trying to get everyone out of the flood waters as fast as possible.

"There's no time!" I yell back. "It'll be okay, just come on!" He starts to come my way but he gets swept away by the current, and he smacks his head on some type of wood. I watch him go under the water, and I get a sad thought.

He didn't leave his brother. He joined him.

Out of nowhere, Matt and I get swept by the current, so we stay together so we don't get swept in opposite directions. I spot a wall or something in the distance and I try to push us there. We make it there, and we begin to climb it. I motivate Matt along the way so he doesn't quit on me.

I think back to the night where he thought I was dead. Whatever pity parties and such I had about my own idea have to go. I've got to be there for him, and getting us out of this is the first step to that. Basically, whatever happens, I'm not allowed to die.

We get to the top of the house, building, or whatever it is, and make sure not to slide off the slick rooftop as the wind tries to knock us off. The wind mainly wants me to fall off, and I slowly start to loose my grip on the roof tiles.

Eventually, I fall off into the water. The exact way I died in Matt's dream.

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