A Passenger run and Leave

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Boxford was getting cleaned and polished at the works the next day, Crovan gate works was busy with workmen cleaning and fixing coaches and wagons. Engines parts were being made and even engines were being mended. Boxford hummed to himself while his front end was being mended and polished.

A few hours later he had been mended and polished and was steaming up to get back to Tidmouth for orders from Sir topham hatt.

Once there, Boxford saw Sir Topham Hatt at the station. "Hello, sir." Greeted Boxford. "Ah, hello, Boxford." Sir topham hatt seemed nervous. "Sir are you okay?" Asked Boxford. "Yes, I am Boxford, OK, so for today, you have a passenger train to run in 10 minutes once done, so get to vicarstown sheds after. I have an announcement to give once there. "Okay."

Boxford was getting steamed uo the coaches were already behind him and the passengers doors were closed and the guards whistle blew and his aswell and he wheeshed off.
Boxford rolled and rumbled along the tracks. Stopping at Elsbridge he picked up his passengers and started off once again. He didn't stop at all over station then Vicarstown. Stopping at Vicarstown he uncoupled from his train and went over the points into the yard. He slowed down into the shed wheeshing. Sir topham hatt walked up to him. "Well, hello Boxford as I've said at Tidmouth I have an announcement to tell you. "Yes, sir?" Said Boxford. "So, Boxford, you do know how you were found in an abandoned harbour originally from a company which now doesn't exist?" Explained sir topham hatt "um yes sir?" Replied Boxford. "Well as you are not my technical property another railway has decided to purchase you." Boxford was shocked when Sir Topham Hatt had said this. "Really sir?.." "Yes Boxford. :So will you like to take this offer to go to another railway?" Boxford was there thinking. "Yes, sir I will take this offer." Siad Boxford confidently. The next day the engine peeped and whistled as Boxford rolled into the sunset into his new home. (The end :0)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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