Redemption of the Found

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A Dusty Runaway
Boxford forwarded onto the line puffing, chuffing along the track with ballast shaking around like peas in a pod. He raced through Henrys tunnel and came out the other side whistling cheerfully. But he didn't know the trucks were scheming a plan that would change his life on sodor. Soon, Boxford raced right through Crosby with his long line of trucks
raced over a bridge. "Woah! Boxford, I'm gonna just slow you down now." His firemen tried to pull down the regulator, but it was stuck he tried tugging at it again, but it didn't work that time. "Um, Boxford, we have a bit of a problem? WE CANT SLOW DOWN!" His firemen said. "WAIT, WHAT!? UH, UM PUT THE BRAKES ON!" Boxford said in distress. His firemen tried putting on the brakes, but because of how old he is, the workmen forgot to put on new brakes. "BOXFORD THE BRAKES DONT WORK!" His firemen got real worried now. He started to pull down the sandboxes but the rails were too slippery and the sand in the boxes were getting lower they couldn't stop it was impossible the trucks banged and bashed and giggled in delight the guard in the brake van noticed they applied the brakes but they were too fast they couldn't stop!
They rocketed along the line, zooming through. Then his driver noticed Henry pulling up with a goods train on the same line at a station! " Oh glory, look at that!" The signalman knew what to do and diverted them onto an old line of track going through bushes and on rusted tracks the trucks laughed still but then Boxford saw up ahead a buffer over a rushing river. "APPLY THE BRAKES APPLY THE BRAKES!" Boxford shouted on."ARE YOU STUPID!? DONT YOU REMEMBER THEY DONT WORK!"His firemen shouted at him.The Guard in the Brake van Put on the breaks harder than ever the wheels screeched along the old tracks! The terrier crashed into the buffers he flew off the track into a field grass piled infront of his wheels as he gradually got slower and slower..A few minutes later a Farmer  come out of his house and looks in Horror as the Dusty Boxford is there sitting, dazed and surprised! The farmer ran back inside to get his wife. Boxford driver and fireman felt him all over. The farmer and his wife came over to check what had happened. "Oi what's happened here?" Said the farmer "Our engine was a runaway!" Said Boxfords driver. "Can I use your telephone to ring Sir topham hatt?" Said his Driver "ah yes you can come with me, Its just over here." Said the farmer as Boxfords Driver walked with him to telephone sir topham hatt.

A few hours later a blue car drove up and stopped the door opened and it was sir topham hatt! "Oh- oh sir! It wasn't my fault the trucks they-" "Yes I know I know Boxford, your lucky your driver here was brave enough to not jump off like others. The workmen will come soon to have you back on the rails. They will also have these trucks looked over to see if there was damage at knapford while you shall go to crovan gate works." Said sir Topham hatt.
"OK , Sir." Boxford said as he dozed in the warm sun as he faintly smiled.

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