Chapter 1: The Girl in the Forest

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Trigger warning: May contain sensitive topics such as death, sex, profanity, suicide, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, mental health, sexuality, etc. There might be depictions or references to sexual harassment. Please be guided accordingly and read at your own risk.

There was tension in the air, hanging over the pack as the discussion grew more intense, mixing with the growls and the arguments that came in consistent waves. It was not unusual for Grey Shadow meetings to turn into a heated debate or an outlet for complaints. Still, Eli was feeling exceptionally fidgety as a flaming string of sensations lingered underneath his skin, making it difficult to focus on the situation at hand entirely.

"Those Blood Rage mutts would not stop at nothing just to get a taste of a better life, and we're just what? Letting them?" one exclaimed, his voice a little gruff. With his large stature, long hair, and scruffy beard, he emanated a strong aura that gave more strength to his argument. "I know, they can be charming but we can't keep on letting them in. We're not even sure what their true intentions are and yet we're not even strong enough to resist them? To protect this pack?" he added, earning himself a series of scattered explanations and messy defenses.

The Alpha, Malloy Hudson, stood tall with an unmistakable dominant aura radiating from him. Taking a deep breath, he gestured for everyone to settle down as he firmly took his position at the center but the chaos was beyond control that everyone's voice just toppled over one another, disregarding the Alpha in the middle. "Everyone, shut up!" His voice boomed into the space, hushing everyone into a deafening silence.

"While all of you are at each other's throats, they are probably planning their next steps!" Sharp eyes, lips pressed into a straight line, and clenched jaw―Malloy's face might seem composed but he was furious with determination as his fuel. "Instead of getting mad at each other, we should strengthen our unity and figure out how to keep them out," he said through gritted teeth, his anger seeping from the gap of his lips. "Grey Shadow comes first. Blood Rage has no place on our list."

Silence enveloped the crowd, waiting for his next words but the longer Malloy had his mouth tightly shut, the more the anticipation grew...only for them to realize that there was nothing else that would be said, that was how the Alpha was going to end the meeting. He turned on his heels and walked out as his final statement.

With that, everyone's eyes dragged to Eli, who was firmly seated and his face void of any expression. "To simply put it, we put our pack above all else. It may be difficult but we need to do what's best for us. Let this settle in for now and then we'll reconvene." Calm and steady tone, a silvery timbre that attempted to soothe the worries of the pack.

Stepping out of the Meeting Hall, it felt like Eli could finally breathe. Running his slender fingers through his silver hair, he let out an exasperated sigh as his eyes gazed at the moon glowing amidst the pitch-black sky. And with that, he stepped into the depths of the forest.

Eli knew well enough what day it was, especially with the way his nerves buzzed and his body reacting rather differently than usual. He could feel the rush of blood through his veins and the strange craving burning at the pit of his stomach. Not only that but his senses were tingling, especially his sense of smell, as it was growing stronger by the second. It was not that long until he was flooded with the fresh scent of the leaves from the trees that loomed over him, casting shadows that ghosted his features. It almost felt like he was being taunted by the nature, provoked to rip through the image of a reserved and composed young man.

His teeth chattered from the cold evening breeze, paired with the vague mixture of aggression and the lack of control. His thoughts were hazy as he swayed, his hands blindly holding onto a tree to steady himself from the overwhelming sensation that came in crashing waves.

"Fuck," he growled through gritted teeth, frustration seething through the gaps. He stretched his neck and his arms, finding some semblance to control over his body that seemed to reject his command...his will.

And then there it was―his thoughts being interrupted by a scent, a single scent that dominated everything else. It was like perfume, strong and everlasting. It was neither floral nor fruity but it was addicting, soothing, and yet enough to drive him insane.

Eli knew what it was and he knew that he was weak in the face of it, but he also needed to know where it was coming from even if it meant risking his sanity. Sticks and dry leaves crunched underneath his feet with every step he took, instinctively following the scent that was flooding his senses, lingering in his nostrils. "Fucking pheromones," he muttered under his breath.

"Help me..." It sounded more like a squeak, coming from someone incredibly helpless. But it was also quite distinct that it made Eli's movements come quicker. With a few more strides, he found himself standing in front of a young woman. By then, the scent was stronger and it almost felt like it had him wrapped into a cocoon, sticking on his clothes and soaking his skin.

Her blonde hair looked brighter even more under the moon's glow as it swayed into the cool wind that blew through it, her eyes were shielded by her long lashes, and her lips were a bit chapped from being out in the cold for too long. Her features were blurred out by the shadows that the branches cast over her, not giving justice to her beauty. But those all fell to the background as all that surfaced was the way she muttered under her breath, almost as if she was crying.

And just as Eli was about to take another step, the young woman reached out to grab Eli by the arm. "Please! You have to help me!" she screamed, echoing into the night. Wrapping her arms around his waist, her hair parted with her sudden action, giving Eli a good view of her nape which displayed her Totem―a red crescent moon with its curve dripping like blood for about an inch.

"Blood Rage," he thought to himself. Despite the haziness of his mind as he was still struggling with his internal battle that was brought on by his shifting day, he managed to reach behind him to pull out his gun. With the lack of finesse, he pointed the gun at her. "What do you want?" he asked. His breathing was heavy, mustering up enough strength to assert his dominance despite his spirit wavering at the overpowering scent of her pheromones that was making him even more dazed.

But the young woman was not afraid, not at all. Even as she felt the cold metal against her spine, she did not flinch. Instead, she pulled away from him only to wrap her fingers around the gun's barrel before leaning to lick it. Her tongue swirled around the muzzle as she kept her eyes on him.

"Bite me..." Her eyes had a certain flame dancing within as she gave the muzzle another lick, more sensual than the first. "Mark me..." The corner of her lips tugged up to a smirk, mischievous and alluring. A mocking innocence tinged her tone as she bit her lower lip. "Please?"

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