▄︻デ₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ ₴ɆVɆ₦══━一

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Sonic just felt his head throbbing, when he gained consciousness...his vision was rather blurry but he could make out that he was in some kind of holding sell.

"Where...Zero?" He called out, in hopes that his husband was close...or at least safe, when he didn't answer, his ears tilted back slightly, he only growls at himself for not noticing the signs of that restaurant being a trap. But then again he was always so reckless and fell into a lot of traps before...but that was when he was on solo missions. This was different...this involved the one person that he loves.

"Glad to see that I didn't put you into a coma."

Sonic only growls at the platypus, in front of him "Where is he!?!"

"That's Classified, but I can assure you that he's safe...for now." The platypus said with a slight smirk on his beak.

Sonic only lunged forward, to try and attack the platypus from the other side of the bars, only to get a powerful shock through his body that sent him back.

The platypus only laughs "Oh and don't even think about escaping, I made sure that it would be impossible for someone as skillful as you to escape."

Sonic only had doubt in his eyes, he didn't know this platypus...besides that he has some kind of connection with his husband. But at this point with those metal bars shocking him, he didn't really have much of a choice but to leave the male. Though the sound of a phone ringing broke the tension, and the platypus answered it.

"WHAT!?! Can't you understand that I'm busy!?!" He snapped. Before he answers one of his goons on the other end, he only started leaving his containment quarters, not wanting the blue agent to hear him...not that it matters since Sonic was still dealing with the aftermath of getting ten volts through his body. When the heavy door closed a sigh escapes Sonic's peach lips, he had already noticed that he had been stripped of all his clothing, leaving only his wedding ring, which couldn't be taken off unless either Sonic or Zero does. It was just how it was designed.

"Oh Zero...I hope your okay? We'll get out of this...I know it." He said to himself just keep his hopes high, he knew his children were in good hands with the babysitter, since she is the daughter of the police chief, but he couldn't help but to worry about them. The thought of this Platypus knowing that he and Zero have offsprings, made him worry...it was okay if he got hurt, but when it came to his children. He could never forgive himself for it.

That time when he brought Celestia to one of those dangerous missions, that guilt was still eating away at him...even though she never got hurt. "Come on Sonic...take deep breaths, he probably doesn't know...Right?"

Zero's eyes started to flutter open, his vision was still a bit foggy...but he slowly starting to come to, though when his vision fully returned he just ignored everything that was around him, the first thing that came to his mind was Sonic. "Sonic!?!" He called out, in hopes for a response...sadly he didn't one. His big ears tilted back slightly, since the day that he was turned into a hunter, he was always seen as monster, mostly because of the Phantom Ruby's influence. Forced him to not show mercy, not even to the innocent.

After losing his squad to one of G.U.N Agents, he was just so blinded by rage and sorrow that he did everything that the phantom ruby asked, well mostly what it shown to him, something that he desperately desired and that was revenge. But Sonic...he was different, sure his mission was to put a stop to him, but he saw the real jackal behind that mask, someone who just lost everything.

Zero's ears soon perked up, when heard the sound of the thick concrete cracking underneath his grasp, looking up he saw that his nails had started to dig into the wall...taking a deep breath his sharpen claws retracted to being normal, despite not having the phantom ruby attached to him. He still had that energy running through his body...because of his rage and sorrow was what fueled that energy in the first place it always got stronger whenever he was feeling as such.

Taking this time he looked around the cell, he had strong memories of being held in one while he was experimented on...shockingly enough this was that very cell, hints the blood stains in the concrete and the rusted chains on the wall.

Looking down at himself he noticed that he was stripped of his clothing, besides his wedding ring...which he was rather happy about, if he was gonna be forced to be separated from his happiness, he'd rather at least some kind of piece of it to keep him sane. "I need to get out of here...I know what Starline is capable of, and Sonic maybe strong, but that Bastard knows how to mess with someone head." He thought to himself.

A sigh escapes his lips, as he just pressed his back against the wall...this cell was designed to contain that energy...stop him from using his illusions to just bend reality so he could escape. He can only hope that his own kids were safe, it was bad enough that he was separated from Sonic, but losing his bundles of joy, to this man, that would immediately break him...but he knew they were in good hands, despite their ages, they were rather strong, especially Miles.

"Don't worry, everyone I'll find a way to free us."

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