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The sound of gunfire was heard just outside of the office...of one of many dangerous Thieving Groups, the Babylon Rogues.

"I can't believe you bring our own daughter to a Mission..." Zero growled at his husband, as he was taking cover behind of door, dodging bullets from the many birds that work with for this thieving group.

"Sheesh Sorry, that I couldn't get a babysitter in time when G.U.N called me." Sonic growled back, as he was wearing a bulletproof baby carrier to his body, with a the one year old Celestia secured inside it, some earplugs in her big ears to block out the gunshot noise. It was kind of her fault that this mission isn't going as smoothly as it should've been, mostly because she let out a small cry.

"We can argue about this when we get home!" Sonic grumbled back, as he was busy cracking code to the safe with the stolen dangerous artifact inside.

When the safe opened Sonic, quickly took the golden bird statue. And hurries over to his husband.

"I got it"

"Good now we just need a safe path out here that doesn't involve putting Celestia...in even more danger than she already is" Zero growled.

"I said I was sorry...and besides there many of them, we don't have a choice but to clear them out."

Zero only rolled his eyes as he takes off the carrier that Sonic was wearing and place it on to the comfy desk chair. To keep the pup distracted he just gave her the golden bird artifact to hold. "There...that should keep her busy...and put me at ease."

Sonic was a little hesitant, but he didn't have a much of a choice...he only reloaded his gun and nodded at his husband.

The two agents busted out of the office room, gun firing at the remaining the guards, though when they ran out of ammunition, they resorted to disarming the enemy and going to hand to hand combat.

First in command, Wave Swallow, and Head Bodyguard, Storm Albatross. Were pinned down and handcuffed.

Before the two couple could hand over those two a green blur darted past.

"See ya Suckers!?!"

The two agents realized that they left their one year old daughter unattended and with the artifact, fearing the worst the two ran after the Hawk.

"What the?" The Hawk said when he noticed the pup holding his stolen artifact, he nearly just laughed at himself "Man this is literally, just like taking candy from a baby...now hand it over." He said

Though the Hawk made a rather terrible mistake when he reached out to try and take the artifact from the helpless infant. The infant grabbed a hold of his wrists and flipped him over hard onto his own office table breaking it in half.

"Aww...Infy look Baby's First Bad Guy." Sonic happily said, rather proud of his daughter.

Zero took the handcuffs and cuffs The Hawk while he was still unconscious. "That's my girl..." he mutters to himself underneath his breath.

/End of Memory/

Sonic closed the front door of his house after letting in his two older kids, he hung up his keys before slipping off his shoes and heading deeper into his home, he knew that Miles was smarter than his older sister, but with him being two shy he didn't want to leave his sister behind in the grades that they were. So he started daycare and classes with his sister, just that his classwork was accommodated to match his own intelligence so he had a in school tutor, the worked with him one on one in the classroom.

Sonic glances over at his children to see that they were playing with their baby sibling in the playpen, something that they always did when they first came home from daycare. The hedgehog glanced around the room for his husband before sound of footsteps coming down the stairs got his attention.

"Hey guys, did you have fun."

"Well yeah, Daycare is always fun Daddy!" Celestia said...though her opinion on School would always change when she get older. But right now she was enjoying herself.

"Glad to hear, you two play nice with Soren."

"We will Daddy" Miles responded.

The two older mobians watch there children run back to the living room, the jackal turned his attention to his husband. "So did anything happen while I was gone?"

"Besides your annoying brother asking for money again, and nothing from G.U.N, not that I'm overly worried about that." Zero pulls the hedgehog close to his body. "Rather have you stress free, than overly working yourself."

Sonic only purrs, "I have to admit...it felt like thirty years since I had ever had a break from bathe agent stuff...and it feels rather good, just being at home with the kids and you."

"Speaking of just you and me...heard there a fancy restaurant just opened up down on Perl Street."

Sonic only smiles and nodded "Sure we can have dinner tonight, just let me call the babysitter." Zero only nodded as he plants a loving kiss on Sonic's forehead.

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