Chapter 26 - Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

'Keep rolling your eyes and they'll get stuck like that. Then you won't look attractive for Alpha Peirce,' she sneers.

'Not like I care.'

'Sure. Keep telling yourself that.' With that she disappears and their is silence once again.

Speaking of Alpha Peirce, I think it's time I return his call. Sadly, I also need to get Miller on the phone to updates him regarding the training. Once again, why did I agree to do this? With a groan, I plop down in my seat and pick up the landline. I decide to ring Miller first to get that dreadful conversation over and done with. After a few rings, the call is answered.

"Alpha Miller's office, Beta Parker speaking."

"Hello Beta, it's Alpha Gray. Is Mil- is Alpha Miller available?" I correct myself. Calling him by his title feels like swallowing a bucket of needles.

There is silence on other end before I hear rustling. "I knew you'd eventually call sweetheart. Can't stay away from your mate for too long," comes the irking voice belonging to Aaron Miller.

"I'm not your mate," I state blankly. "I'm just calling to let you know my Former and Current Beta are due to arrive at your pack's border Monday of next week first thing in the morning. I have emailed you the training schedules for the 3 weeks they will be there. I CC'd  Alpha Peirce on the email where he will respond with his schedule. You can look them over and work with my Beta and him on a schedule that works best for you using ours."

"Hold up. Why aren't you coming? I agreed to have you help train my warriors not your second best. What's the matter? Did you realize it was too much bite for your bark?" he mocks. I can hear the smugness in his voice.

"I have more important matters to attend to. My men are more than qualified to help train yours. That is all I needed to say. Goodbye."

I didn't even wait for a response as I hang up. Goddess, he's so annoying. Was this really the guy I was suppose to spend the rest of my life with?? What was the Goddess thinking. Now, on to my next conversation. I take a deep breathe in and out, releasing all my anxiety before picking up the phone once again. I didn't have to wait long as the call was answered within the first ring.

"Alpha Peirce speaking," his stern voice carries through the phone.

'Mmm. Looks like he was waiting for our call,' Freya purrs in bliss, feeling smug.

'He could have been waiting on someone else's call. Get over yourself.'

She huffs in annoyance before retreating, but I can still feel her lurking. I know she wants to hear what he says.

"Hello Alpha Peirce, it's Alpha Gray."

"Alpha Gray, what can I do for you?" he greets.

'He's acting as if he wasn't blowing up our phone earlier asking for us,' Freya comments.

'Shut up.'

"I wanted to get together with you to update you on a few things. I just got off the phone with Miller a few minutes ago and filled him in."

"Why did she call him before me?" I hear him mutter. I'm sure he wasn't directing the question towards me, so I chose to ignore it. "I'm listening. What are the updates?"

"I'm not sure if you have seen the email I CC'd you on, but I sent over our training schedule. Miller is waiting for you to send over yours so you guys can come to an agreement that works for everyone. My guys are set to arrive at the Eclipse pack next week Monday. They will be there first thing in the morning, in case you want to meet up with them beforehand."

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