Chapter 8 - "I'm a what?!"

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*Brielle's POV*

At first all I saw was darkness. Not a trace of light anywhere.  I couldn't move or speak. I was just laying here in the darkness, with nothing or no one in sight. What the hell even happened? All I remember was feeling excruciating pain before going through a forced shift and then nothing. All I could think was, 'Am I dead?' Would this be hell or heaven? This thought led me down a path of memories I would rather forget, for example, my killing spree. Due to that, I'm sure I'm in hell.

Before my thoughts could dive any deeper, I caught sight of a glowing light far in the distance. It appeared to be coming closer. I could feel my heart accelerate as I fought to make my body move. Suddenly, there was a blinding white light casted everywhere and then it dimmed. As my eyes readjusted, I noticed I was laying down on soft, vibrant green grass. I could hear water running in the distance and birds chirping. From what I can see in my position, I was in a beautiful open field, still unable to move. So am I in heaven then? A soft chuckle broke me out of my thoughts. I once again willed my body to move, but it was no use, I was immobilized.  

'Stop struggling child, it's no use,' an oddly familiar voice spoke.

I tried replying, but just like my body, my vocals were useless. What the hell is going on? Is this my punishment for my past doings?

'No child. You are not being punished.' the same voice spoke, addressing my thoughts.

How the hell did she hear that? This is starting to get weird. Maybe I'm not dead at all and this is all a weird dream.

'This isn't a dream, child, well not really. I can hear your thoughts because you're communicating them to me, unintentionally. We share a link, so even though you can't physically speak, we can still communicate.'

'Who are you?'

'You may have heard quite a few stories of me. I am mother to all wolves.'

'Wait, it can't be?!'

'Yes, child. I'm the Moon Goddess.'

'Moon Goddess? But how? Why?'

'You must listen very carefully to what I have to say child for it is very important. The information I am about to share with you will determine the future of all wolves and humans.'

'Well that's a huge load you just sprung on me. Can I at least sit up while you disclose this information?' I couldn't help but let my annoyance seep through. 

'Oh, my apologies. This was for security measures. Wolves react in different ways to my appearance due to their nature. Immobilizing them while they are in my realm protects them more than it protects me.' She explains.

Almost immediately, my body begins to get tingly all over and I start to gain control over my limbs. As soon as the feeling fades, I sit up in a haste, making me dizzy with the sudden movement.

'Better?' Moon Goddess asks.

'Yes much better. I'm sorry for being snappy, but you must understand my body was on high alert. Waking up in a strange place and not being able to move doesn't result in calmness.'

'No worries Child. I took no offense to it. Now that you feel more comfortable, it is time to get down to business. Let me start off by giving you a bit of a background story on me and my past. A story not many know.'

Moon Goddess got a far away look on her face as her eyes slightly watered as they held sadness but love. I knew this story wasn't going to have a happy ending, so I prepared for what she had to say.

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