2. First day

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5:00 A.M

You know how it goes - 5:00 A.M., the ungodly hour when alarms rudely crash into your dreams. But today was no ordinary day; it was your debut at the law firm. Jumping out of the shower before your alarm could even protest, you were already in work mode.

Makeup and hair, done. Documents, secured. Car keys, in your bag. You felt like you were missing something.

Rocking that fire red skirt and crisp white combo you'd been saving for this exact moment, you strutted out of your apartment with major confidence vibes. The skirt hugged your curves just right, and the white blouse gave off a professional yet stylish vibe.

It had been nearly two months since you first crossed paths with Satoru Gojo. The morning after that unforgettable encounter, you awoke to an empty bed, a cold void that echoed the absence of his presence. Your heart yearned for more than just a passing fling. You wanted to believe that there was something deeper between you two, something meaningful that could transcend that small night you shared together.

You remember his embrace and the way he hurried his nose into your neck.

'There is no point in thinking about him now.'

You were greeted by Geto outside the tall building, he had a sly smile on his lips as he saw. "Hey Y/n." H said leaning down to kiss you in the cheek as a greeting. "I assign myself to be your tour guide for today."

You chuckled. "I  wouldn't ask for anyone else."

Geto guided you through the sprawling office space, his easy charm and friendly banter lightening the weight of your first day nerves. As he led you to your own office, a rush of excitement mingled with nervous anticipation. The thought of having your own workspace, a place to call your own in this bustling environment, sent little butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

"This is all for me?" you asked, a hint of disbelief in your voice.

"Yes," Geto replied with a smile, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. He walked over to your desk and pulled out a small box from the drawer. "I took the liberty to give you a little welcome gift."

"Geto, you really didn't have to," you protested, touched by his gesture.

You eagerly opened the box to find a nameplate inside, elegantly crafted with your name in gold letters. It was sophisticated and classy, a perfect addition to your new workspace.

"I love it!" you exclaimed, unable to hide your excitement.

Geto grinned, pleased with your reaction. "Glad you like it, Y/n. I'm happy to be working with you."

Returning his smile, you hugged him gratefully. "Me too," you said sincerely, grateful for his kindness and support on your first day.

As Geto continued to give you a tour of the building, your eyes widened at the sheer scale of it all. The gym, the library, the pool, the kitchen - it was like a mini city within the office building. The zen garden on the balcony added a touch of serenity amidst the hustle and bustle.

"Who owns the firm?" you couldn't help but ask, curiosity piqued.

Geto chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You didn't do your homework, Y/n," he teased. "You'll find out in today's meeting."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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