I want to know, "Wh-What kind of messed up g-game is this?!"

Erza says in confusion, "That doesn't make any sense to me! Why would the Magic Council resort to such drastic measures?"

She lets out a gasp as she's suddenly trapped in a Magic Card Sho has in his hand.

"Erza!!" Gray exclaims.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Simon demands to know.

"Now, then, let the game begin!" Jellal says, and the statue's glowing red eyes become dark.

Tightening his fingers on the card, the blonde bows crazily, "I won't let him lay a finger on her!!"

Erza commands as she bangs on the inside of the card, "Let me out of here!!"

"I'll beat Jellal all by myself if I have to!" Sho yells before he whirls around and runs off down the corridor.

"No!! You can't do it alone," Simon exclaims as he chases after him.


"Gray! Lucy? Juvia? Natsu!" I call as I wander down a corridor in the tower. Gray had split off from us to rescue Erza and asked me, Juvia and Lucy to go find Natsu. I seem to have wandered away from the other two girls, though.

"Oh, I seem to have lost my friends," I say with a sigh as I pause. "Where could they be? Anima Eyes!" Veins appear around my white eyes as I use them to scan the area for my friends.

I let out a sharp gasp and barely manage to dodge and backflip out of the way as a glob of mucus is shot towards me, followed by a bunch of others.

"Nice dodge, kid!" A woman says as as she steps towards me. She has long blue hair protruding from her black hood and she has red eyes.

 She has long blue hair protruding from her black hood and she has red eyes

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"Wh-Who are you?" I demand as I straighten.

"My name is Lauren Moore. I'm a member of Trinity Raven from the Death's Head Order. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," She introduces.

I get into my ready stance as I focus my Anima Eyes. Her green aura has hints of darkness in it, and she definitely plans to kill me, but I guess I could already guess that without even using my Anima Eyes.

"We will save our friend!" I tell her determinedly.

"We'll see if you can beat me first," Says Lauren before suddenly waving her hands up and down. "Mucus Magic."

I gasp but with my Anima Eyes, I was able to narrowly dodge the goop that explodes from the ground around me. A small bit of lands on my left arm and I hiss as it burns my skins bit. My Lifestream Magic automatically heals it.

Book 1: Soul Seeker (Sting Eucliffe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now