Chapter 8

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Rebecca's P. O. V:

I walk into the guild hall a few days later, wearing a red off the shoulder top with white shorts and black socks and brown boots, and head over to the Request Board.

I walk into the guild hall a few days later, wearing a red off the shoulder top with white shorts and black socks and brown boots, and head over to the Request Board

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It's been a few days since the whole Council incident and Natsu had stolen an S-class quest from the Second Floor. Afterwards, they got punished through this Changeling spell that switched the bodies of Team Natsu—except me.

I was looking to go on an easy job.

"Becky," Says a sharp voice, startling me. I turn to find Noah there. "Going on a job?"

I reply, "Y-Yes. J-Just an easy one, th-though."

"Hmph. If you want my advice, I'd suggest you quit being a mage," He tells me, and tense silence starts to settle in the room.

"What?" I ask, blinking at him.

"It's a dangerous job and you're too soft and kind to fight like the others. You're not fit to be a mage," Noah says sternly. I start getting nervous again.

"B-But I want to be a mage," I stutter. "I want to get stronger."

"You may be the Stark family prodigy when it comes to Anima Eyes, but you only have half our family's blood flowing through your veins," Says Noah with narrowed eyes. "And that's what makes you weak—"

There's a slam and I whip my head around to see Natsu having punched a hole in the table as he gets to his feet, veins protruding from his forehead as he glares deathly at my cousin. "I've heard just about enough from you!!" Here, Noah very slowly turns his head to the Dragneel. "She's your cousin; you shouldn't treat her that way!"

"Her father has stained the bloodline of our prestigious family," States Noah bitterly. "I'm just stating the truth."

"Well, you can shut your trap because Becky is strong! She helped us defeat Lullaby and stop the Alive spell a few days ago! You don't have the right to judge her like that!! If Becky wants to be a mage, then she can be a mage. You don't have the right to tell her what she can or can't be!!"

Natsu and Noah glare each other down as I start crying. Most members such as Lucy and Levy McGarden are watching us nervously while Gray and Erza have wary expressions on their features.

"You shouldn't meddle in things that don't concern you," Says Noah with a sneer. "Fate has decided that Rebecca is weak, so she'll remain weak. That's a fact."

Natsu scowls fiercely. "Why don't we take it outside, right now?!"

"Natsu!" Lucy gasps.

"No thanks. I don't have time to waste with you," Noah refuses, turning on his heel.

"Your cousin is your cousin," Natsu tells him fiercely. "How can you treat her this way?!"

"N-Natsu, i-it's okay..." I stammer.

"No, it's not okay! He's been treating you like this from the first moment we met him, and I'm tired of it! What's his deal, anyway?!"

"It's because she's the best user of our family's Eye Magic," Noah retorts, glaring at me. "When she's so weak. I think it's highly unfair."

I look down and bite my lip. "I'm sorry you feel that way, cousin," I murmur before I turn and run out of the guild hall, heading towards the East Forest.

"BECKY!!" I hear Erza call after me but I don't stop. I keep running.


After awhile, I make it to the East Forest and run blindly through it, tears stinging my eyes.

"He's right, though," I think. "I am weak. I'm nowhere near as strong as Erza or Natsu... I'll never be S-class like my cousin is right now."

I was so lost in thought that I end up tripping on a rock. I cry out as I face plant the ground, grunting.

I groan as I lean up on my elbows, tears dripping from my eyes. I just want my cousin to acknowledge me...

There's a growl and I look up with a gasp to see a Gorian, a Forest Vulcan.

This species has their fur colored green and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored a bright shade of purple. Unlike Mountain Vulcans, their eyes evidently lack pupils and seemingly glow. The lower half of their body is a darker shade of green and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five pink hearts on each arm.

"Look what we've got here, a little girl," Says the Vulcan. I scramble to my feet and try to run away, but I'm grabbed by the monster and squeal in fright. He brings me to his face. "Hehehe. You're cute!"

I start and shudder, knowing that Vulcans can be perverted.

"L-Let me go!" I stutter, hitting him weakly. The green furred monster laughs.

"I don't think so! I'm gonna take you back with me and keep you!"

Before I could protest, there's a brown blur and the Vulcan grunts, staggering. It keeps me in his grip, though. I look down and let out a gasp to see Noah in his usual stance before us, one arm held in front and the other back.

That's his signature Palm Magic stance for the Gentle Fist technique.

"N-Noah!" I say in surprise. I blink when I notice a nasty bruise over his left eye.

"You'd better put her down now if you know what's good for you," He says.

"I don't think I will," Retorts the Vulcan. Noah sneers.

"Hmph. Very well. Gentle Fist!" He leaps up, manipulating his ethernano in his palms and strikes them several times against the Vulcan.

The Vulcan cries out before toppling, but I'm caught by my cousin who sets me on the ground just as the rest of my teammates run up to us.

"Beck!!" They exclaim. We turn to them.

"You okay?!" Natsu exclaims.

I nod with a small smile. "I-I am. Thanks to Noah." I smile at my cousin.

"Natsu talked some sense into me and gave me a right hook," He says. I gape at Natsu who rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"I just got really mad. Sorry, Beck."

"Don't worry about it," Says Noah. He bends and gestures with his hands. "I'll give you a ride back."

I smile and climb on Noah's back piggy back style. We then return to the guild hall.

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