"C'mon, lazy butt numero dos," Lauren teased, nudging Camila's shoulder. "The quicker we get these boxes inside the quicker we can unpack, and then the quicker we can redecorate, and then the quicker we c-,"

"Slow down there," Camila laughed, standing up and following Lauren towards the door. "One step at a time," the small girl added, grabbing another box that they had crammed into the back of the car.

"I'm just excited to move in, that's all," Lauren shrugged, tediously carrying a stack of boxes on her hip, using her free hand to carefully open the front door.

"We are moving in," Camila nodded curtly, brushing past Lauren and setting the box on the floor. "What does it look like we are doing?" The small girl stood up and crinkled her nose.

"You're right," Lauren sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. "As always," she added, moving forwards and wrapping her arms around Camila's waist from behind. The small girl giggled, reaching up and tugging on her beanie.

"Are you planning on wearing that thing all summer again?" Lauren asked, looking up at the beanie. Camila furrowed her eyebrows and turned around.

"Of course," she nodded, a shy smile on her face. "I dunno, I just like it," the small girl shrugged, reaching up to smooth out her hair. "It feels weird to not wear it."

"Goofball," Lauren muttered teasingly, causing Camila to crinkle up her nose.

"You love me," the smaller girl huffed dramatically, crossing her arms and marching back outside. Lauren rolled her eyes half-heartedly.

"Tell me something I don't know!" she called after her, before jogging to catch up to the smaller girl. Camila just laughed softly, helping Lauren retrieve the last of their boxes from the back of her car.

"That's it...?" Lauren raised her eyebrows, eyeing the stack of boxes they had piled into the middle of the room. "I didn't realize how little we brought."

"We left the furniture at the apartment," Camila noted, nudging one of the boxes with her foot. "You got the mattress delivered here, right?" she asked, venturing down the small hallway and peering into all of the rooms.

"Yeah," Lauren nodded, jogging after her and watching as she disappeared into the bedroom. Sure enough, the mattress had already been placed on the bed frame that had come with the house.

"This is ours," Camila repeated what she had said earlier, almost in disbelief. "It is all ours and it is only ours," she smiled, turning around and placing her hand on Lauren's shoulders. "I could get used to this."

"Me too," Lauren laughed, setting her hands on Camila's hips and planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes," Camila nodded once. "I did not know how boring graduation was," she laughed softly, smoothing out the black satin of Lauren's gown.

"Yeah, but did you see Dinah trip?" Lauren smirked, causing both of them to burst into laughter.

"Her face turned red," Camila noted, covering her mouth to try and hide her own amusement. Lauren just rolled her eyes playfully and tugged her phone out of her pocket, heading back into the kitchen.

Soon enough, both girls sat in the middle of the foyer, a box of pizza open between them. Wolf sauntered over to the couple, sniffing Camila's arm cautiously before rubbing up against the girl.

"He only loves me when I have food," Camila mumbled, picking off a small piece of her crust and tossing it in his direction. Lauren laughed softly.

"I love this," Camila sighed, setting her plate down and lying back on the floor so she could stare up at the ceiling. "This is perfect."

"Goofball," Lauren muttered jokingly as she got up to throw away their trash. Camila hummed in defiance, giggling when Wolf padded over and stuck his nose in her face.

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