Chapter One: Meet Sophia

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Sophia was born in Philadelphia where her parents both rigorously worked as lawyers for the city. This type of atmosphere was what Sophia was used to from a young age. Through her parents' hard work and dedication, this work ethic passed onto Sophia when she decided to run for class president in fifth grade. Even though she was running against her best friend Charlotte, she knew how to advance her chances while keeping the peace. When Sophia won the presidency, she took it upon herself to bring Charlotte into her 'cabinet' and have her close for advice. 

When Sophia entered high school, she enrolled in every extra curricular she could. While it was overwhelming at times to juggle history club, debate club, cross country, student council, band, and chemistry club she managed to tackle each of them. Sophia felt it was in her best interest to keep as busy as possible to make her resume as impressive as possible. Sophia and Charlotte spent their days working on homework and jumping from one club to the next. Sophia's parents were not around as much as they had conferences across the country to help other lawyers. This left Sophia and her older brother Ben to take care of themselves. Ben was not as involved in academics as Sophia was but he still managed to get by. He enjoyed more of the nightlife the city had to offer, leaving Sophia home most weekends by herself. Sophia didn't mind being on her own, she took it as an opportunity to enjoy whatever peace and 'quiet' that she could in their apartment. 

When Sophia's junior year in high school started, she was in full college prep mode with taking the SAT, ACT, and taking college tours whenever she had the chance. While her older brother Ben decided to take the job route instead of college, Sophia wanted to do things differently. For her, it was a no brainer that she wanted to eventually go to law school, so undergraduate school was super important to her as a foundation. Every day after school Sophia would watch her email and the mailbox to wait for her acceptance letters. It was frustrating when the first batch of schools were waitlists and rejections, yet Sophia held hope she would find her dream school. Charlotte was also interested in being a lawyer so the two girls applied to some of the same schools, hoping to be roommates. 

At last, Sophia received her letter that she was accepted to Columbia University and she knew that is where she was meant to be. After graduating high school, Sophia left for New York City to start her new journey in life. Charlotte did not get into Columbia but was accepted to New York University so they remained close. Four years of undergraduate school seemed to pass Sophia by and before she knew it, she was applying to law schools and had taken the LSAT. She was onto her next journey....

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