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  Chapter 41 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  In fact, it is not unimaginable. After all, Dazai Osamu has also seen the vastness of the different world and various irregular phenomena there.

  He cannot use the common sense of his original world to be transferred to another world. He subconsciously makes judgments based on experience and preconceptions. This is his most profound conclusion during his time in the other world.

  In an open and unconstrained world, it is natural that people's actions and imaginations are stretched to the greatest extent. In this atmosphere, their thinking ability also expands, and they do not care about the conventional worldly views and follow their own ideas. Do things.

  Generally speaking, it is a wonderful experience to get along with this kind of people. Osamu Dazai does not hate it, but even appreciates and envy this kind of people who can have clear dreams and resolutely implement them.

  It's a pity that he is extremely sober. Even if he occasionally thinks about giving up thinking and adapting to it, he will suddenly be awakened by his own darkness and pessimism, and then remember what kind of bad guy he is.

  Miss Nana's will, if compared to light, is not an ordinary lamp, but a beacon determined to illuminate an era. As for people who live in the same era, it may be more like the light in the sky that wants to transmit heat to everyone. The personal sun.

  If it is because of the phototaxis of living things and ignores the objective environment and blindly wants to throw itself into that light, I am afraid that what you will get is endless despair.

  After all, being with this kind of person for a long time can easily lead to delusions beyond one's ability, loss of sense of proportion, and the mentality of "I'll give it a try, too", and then try towards a dream that has been given up.

  However, on the road to chasing dreams, rather than reaping the expected results, it is more likely to be unrealistic and end up being shattered.

  Surrendering to reality makes people depressed and unfair, while chasing dreams makes people physically and mentally exhausted.

  Those rare people who can satisfy one's heart and soul between the two will inevitably make people yearn for them just by looking at them.

  It’s just that one cannot generalize between people.

  The worst thing in the world is undoubtedly giving people hope and then falling into despair in vain.

  Put back your divergent thoughts, wake up the phone screen again, and look back at the news. What an envious and jealous existence... He sighed in his heart. Pulling down, Dazai Osamu found that someone had already entered the comment area first.

  [Magical Mellie: Wow! From this perspective - is the promoter the villain on the W letter welcome page? 】

  Dazai Osamu recalled that the w-message mentioned in the comment seemed to be a popular chat software in flower-growing areas. After searching, he saw that the so-called login background picture was a picture of a little man in space looking at the earth. He immediately laughed and then directly Close the browser.

  Just that night, I got together with two friends who had a close relationship at Lupin Bar.

  Thinking again of the post he saw during the day, Dazai Osamu seemed to mention it casually, blurring the specific details and just confided: "Although seeing the other party succeed will give people a sense of hope, but think about it from another angle. This The existence of people who can easily do anything is a mockery of people who work hard to live."

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