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"Miss Martins, you seem lost". I heard the teacher say waking me from my thoughts before she continued the class which I had not really been paying attention to.

"Are you okay?" Stacey whispered from behind me and I gave her a simple nod assuring her that there is nothing wrong. To be sincere though I am actually alright just a bit concerned about who I have to tutor after school which is immediately after this class.

I have no problem tutoring really, it won't be my first time anyway. My real problem is with who I am going to be tutoring.

Aiden Grey, THS most influential guy. He doesn't do much, doesn't say much, stays on his path yet he has such a latent energy whose mere presence carries an impact that could be activated under certain circumstances.

At least that is what people say but I am not really one to judge over the opinion of others but I do take first impressions very seriously and my first meeting with him yesterday just wasn't 'it'.

"You planning to spend the rest of the day in school?" Stacey asked and I looked at her a little confused before looking at the now empty class.

"You seem off" she stated as we walked out the classroom together. "Me?" I asked dumbly. "No me!" she answered sarcastically. "Okay" I said plainly. " I'm serious, what's up?"

"Just stressed over this person I now have to tutor". I answered honestly. "If he or she is giving you a hard time just tell me, I am sure I still got my jiu-jitsu skills somewhere in me". She said making me let out a small laugh before she got serious again.

"For reals though, does this person have a name?". "Aiden" I answered blankly. "Which Aiden, you have to be more specific than that Mika"

"Aiden Grey. Are there any more Aidens' in this school" I said rolling my eyes right before she held my arm to stop me from moving any further.

"Are you talking about the 'Aiden Grey'...like the actual one?" "No, I am talking about the fake one" I said with sass removing my arm from hers.

Did I forget to mention that he's some sort of god worshipped by the girls of THS ,like literally. Stacey isn't much of a worshipper though, she isn't at all as a matter of fact she simply likes the fact that he's a basketball player other than that it's pretty safe to say that she hates him.

"Stop playing babe, but hold on a sec. Isn't he a senior, how are you the one tutoring him?" She asked and I won't lie I did feel a bit offended.

"Are you trying to insult my intelligence?" I asked with a fake gasp and my hand on my chest. "Definitely not, just asking if he's a dumb guy with good looks".

I was about to answer her until we say a tall figure walk toward us "Oh Jesus, help me!" I whispered hopping I'd miraculously teleport somewhere away from my current position.

"School's over, you said after school" Aiden said now standing right in front of Stace and I.

"Well hello to you too" Stacey said with sarcasm all over her tone but Aiden disregarded her presence and continued, "how long of my time will you be taking?" He asked- Does he even know what he is saying, he's the one taking my time.

"An hour or two, we have to check in on what or where you are having problems in" I finally said. "Can we get going then" he said a little demanding.

I let out a sigh and quickly hugged Stacey as she made a quick whisper saying "I really want to break his jaw with some jiu-jitsu right now, "I know" I said.

I let Stacey go as I turned around just to realize that he was already walking away-how rude.

I almost cried as I ran towards him but I did, thankfully.

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