Chapter Seven

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POV Zara

With my tote bag in hand I walked over towards the pool. We were going to spend a full day at sea, so I was going to do some tanning and relaxing, maybe even go to the spa later.
Pure bliss. I needed it to calm down from yesterday.
It had been a complete shitshow, I had been tossing and turning almost the whole night and I finally fell asleep around four.
I don't know what came over me last night, I was drunk and said some things which I rather would've kept for myself.
It was embarrassing to say those things out loud. Who the hell stays with their abusive boyfriend? Well apparently I did.
Love is a very weird and twisted thing.
I also didn't really like finding out that he had been talking to another woman behind my back. How could I be so stupid? It's not like I didn't suspect it.
As I walked over to the pool, I could see it was actually quite calm, not a lot of people were here. I didn't blame them, it was hot as fuck.
The heat had never bothered me really, I've been born and raised in Miami so I was used to a bit of heat.
I squinted my eyes, to take a good look at the people at the pool. My eyes landed on Zach.
He was lying on one of the beach chairs on the side of the pool, his eyes were closed and his hands were hanging to his sides. Was he sleeping?
I squinted my eyes even more and watched as his chest slowly went up and down. He was also slightly turning red.
How long had he been lying here? He was going to burn for sure.
For a second I debated whether or not I wanted to let him suffer, but last night when I couldn't sleep I came to the conclusion that he really didn't do anything wrong other than be Jake's best friend and come along on the trip.
I mean I just wished somebody would've told me beforehand, so I could mentally prepare or so I could choose if I wanted him here. Because I guess that's what bothers me the most. The fact that this was just shoved onto me, without ever having a choice.
I took a few steps towards him, stopping only a few inches away.
'Zach.' Nothing, no response whatsoever.
I couldn't deny he looked kind of cute like this, his mouth hung open a bit and his head was tilted to the side. Man he was K.O.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and shook him gently. His skin was hot under my touch, he must've been lying there for quite some time. I mean I hadn't seen him since I woke up.
He twitched and then slowly woke up. Opening his eyes one by one. I reached in my bag to grab the sunscreen and held it in front of him.
'You're going to burn?'
'What?' He mumbled rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
'I said, you're going to burn. Here, take the sunscreen.' He placed his palms on the side of the sunbed and pushed himself upwards. Still looking at me with a confused look on his face.
My gaze flicked down to his lips as he licked them to wet them again. I don't think I've ever noticed how they looked.
Plumb, those were some plumb lips for sure.
I shot my gaze back up to meet his eyes. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept all night.
Had he been awake the whole night too? I mean he laid there, I basically thought he was dead two times, that's how still he laid.
He slowly reached for the sunscreen and as he did his fingers brushed over mine.
My cheeks warmed up and something that felt like a jolt of electricity shot up my arm.
What the hell? Maybe it was a static shock? Yeah sure, what else could it be.
I looked from our hands back to Zach to see if he maybe felt it too, but he was concentrating on getting the sunscreen out of my hand.
'Thanks.' He said and without even thinking about it I dropped my bag on the other beach chair.
See I didn't totally mind Zach, I just had to be the one who choses. I didn't like to be followed.
'How long have you been here?' I asked. He turned his arm to look at his watch.
'About one hour and a half I think.' I raised my brows.
'Did you even put sunscreen on once?' He sighed, which was enough for me.
'No, but, I don't burn so easily.'
'Sure, that's why you look like a fucking lobster?' He rolled his eyes at me as he squirted some suncreen in his hands.
Zach began rubbing his left arm. My eyes darted down to the motion his hands made. First up and down his bicepes, than up and down his underarms. Unconciously I liked my bottom lip.
"Enjoying the show?" Zach's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.
I blinked, trying to regain my composure. "I-," I stuttered, feeling heat rise to my cheeks as I struggled to focus on anything but Zach's piercing gaze.
Glancing around the pool area, I spotted a few curious glances from other passengers, including the creepy older guy who had been eyeing us since I arrived. Definitely not a direction I wanted to look in.
"You know what? Actually, I was," I said, turning back to Zach with a sly grin.
His eyebrow arched in surprise. "You were?" he echoed, a hint of amusement in his voice.
I nodded, playing along. "Mhm. I mean, have you taken a look at yourself lately? Everyone would be enjoying the show."
A faint blush tinged his cheeks, adding a touch of boyish charm to his usual grumpy demeanor. It was a side of Zach I hadn't seen before - vulnerable, almost shy.
He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Well, glad to provide some entertainment," he muttered, avoiding my gaze.
I chuckled, enjoying the rare moment of levity between us. "You're not so bad when you're not being a total jerk," I teased, unable to resist a playful jab.
Zach's lips twitched into a half-smile, a rare sight that caught me off guard. "Thanks, I think," he replied, a hint of sarcasm lacing his words.
Before I could respond, a sudden burst of laughter erupted from the other side of the pool, drawing our attention. A group of younger passengers had gathered around a makeshift volleyball net, their voices blending with the sound of splashing water and distant chatter.
"Looks like they're having fun," I remarked, gesturing towards the lively scene.
Zach followed my gaze, his expression softening as he watched the group playfully volleying the ball back and forth. "Yeah, reminds me of when I used to play beach volleyball with the guys back home," he mused, a nostalgic smile playing at his lips.
I studied his profile, intrigued by the glimpse into his past. "You played beach volleyball?" I asked, genuinely curious.
He nodded, his eyes distant as he recalled fond memories. "Yeah, it was our thing - every weekend, rain or shine. We'd grab a few beers, set up the net, and spend hours just goofing off."
A pang of jealousy tugged at my chest as I imagined Zach surrounded by his friends, carefree and happy. It was a stark contrast to my own experiences, tethered to Jake's side like some kind of accessory.
"Sounds like fun," I replied, trying to mask the bitterness in my voice.
Zach glanced at me, sensing my change in mood. "Hey, we could always start our own game," he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eye.
I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "You and me? Playing beach volleyball?"
He shrugged, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Why not? It could be fun."
I considered his proposal, weighing the pros and cons. On one hand, it would be a chance to let loose and enjoy ourselves. On the other hand, it would mean spending even more time with Zach - something I wasn't sure I was ready for.
"Alright, you're on," I said, a competitive spark igniting within me.
Zach grinned, rising from his chair and motioning towards the volleyball net. "Let's do this."
Together, we made our way to the makeshift court, joining the group of passengers in a spirited game of beach volleyball. As the sun beat down and the sound of laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration - and maybe, just maybe, a glimmer of hope for this unexpected journey ahead.
The game was fast-paced and competitive, with players diving and lunging to keep the ball in play. Zach proved to be surprisingly agile, his reflexes sharp as he deftly returned each volley. I found myself matching his intensity, determination fueling my every move.
We made a formidable team, our communication effortless as we anticipated each other's actions. It was exhilarating, the thrill of the game washing away the weight of our troubles, if only for a moment.
As the game wore on, I felt a sense of camaraderie forming between us, a shared bond forged through competition and laughter. Despite our differences, there was a mutual respect that transcended our past grievances.
Eventually, the game came to an end, the final point scored amidst cheers and high-fives. Sweaty and exhilarated, I couldn't help but smile as I glanced at Zach, a newfound appreciation for him blossoming within me.
"Good game," I said, extending my hand in a gesture of sportsmanship.
Zach grinned, clasping my hand in his. "Yeah, you too," he replied, his eyes twinkling with genuine warmth.
As we made our way back to our beach chairs, I couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected game of beach volleyball had brought us closer together - a small victory amidst the uncertainties of our journey ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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