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"Alright! Time to wake up Percy, we finally reached England" you can all guess who said that. If you guessed Sally then you get a blue cookie.

"I'm up I'm up" came Percy's groggy voice still full of sleep.

"Get ready honey we still have to travel for another hour to reach my childhood house"

Yes, Percy remembered that house his mom told him about among many other things on their 7 day boat ride from New York to England. His mother lived in England till her parents died and then moved to America because her uncle lived there . Now they were revisiting that house and his mom will be living there while he went to school.

Sally checked all their bags to ensure everything was in the bags and not lying around and the mother and son duo hailed a taxi and started towards Sally's childhood house in Cokeworth, England. Sally was a muggle-born witch and had lived with her parents there down the road from the Evans who were good friends with her parents. Their son was one of her muggle friends who knew about their world.

After an hour of travel, the Jacksons reached Sally's home. Percy was awake and running after catching up on his sleep in the taxi ride over and being ADHD had a lot of pent up energy he wanted to burn.

The mother son duo cleaned the house and arranged their things in their rooms. One interesting thing about Percy: people don't think that he would be neat and organize his stuff but he was very neat. He had hated how Gabe had left his stuff lying around in their house and had quickly grown uncomfortable with messes, so he tends to keep his room organized and his things generally neat.

After settling in Sally offered Percy to look around their neighborhood seeing as he still had some energy while Sally went shopping for some groceries.

Percy set out with his mother's directions in the direction of the park and once there stopped dead in his tracks....

There a girl with red hair standing with her back to him was levitating a bunch of flowers with a boy who was scrawny like him and had black greasy hair.

Instead of being terrified though he grew excited and started walking towards them. When he was near them, they most likely heard his footsteps and turned around abruptly.  The girl yelped and the flowers she was previously levitating dropped to the ground.

Percy held his hands up in a gesture of peace and said, "Hey! Relax, i am a wizard are a witch right? What's your name?"


Andddd thats a wrap guyss
Percy finally reached England and things will start heating up now.
And if you did not guess..the girl and boy Percy saw are Lily and Severus..

Thats it for today!
Signing out

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