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"These parties are so stupid" I said quietly to myself as I walked into the hotel where the press event was being held. It was part of my job as an editor to attend these events. I loved my job so I swallowed my pride and attended. I grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and started to mingle. None of the people I conversed with were interesting. In fact most of them were arrogant douche bags. They may be the CEOs of some of the biggest corporations in America but damn they were boring. "You are very beautiful Miss Reum" one of the men said as I talked with them. "I think we are done here Mr Gerrad" I said as I walked away. I was surprised when he grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at him. "I disagree Miss Reum" he stated confidently as I looked at him, I was absolutely disgusted by his actions. "Let go" I said as he laughed. "Do you know how much money I have?" He asked as I scoffed. "Not enough to afford a decent social skills class" I said as he pulled me towards him. I hit a nerve.

"Listen here-" he was interrupted. "You are quite the businessman Mr Gerrad, I would have assumed you knew the proper way to treat a woman" the man said as both me and Mr Gerrad looked at him. "Butt out Everett, this doesn't concern you" Mr Gerrad said as the man scoffed. "I orchestrated this event so I guarantee it does." The man said as I rolled my eyes. Mr Gerrad released my hand. "I think you overstayed your welcome Mr Gerrad, you have the option of leaving willingly or being escorted out? Which will you choose?" The man asked as Mr Gerrad looked him in the eyes before leaving. "Are you okay?" The man asked as I nodded. "I didn't need you to save me" I argued as he smirked. "I suppose you could have dealt with a man twice your size?" He asked sarcastically. "I would have managed" I argued. "I think the words you're looking for is 'thank you'" the man said pessimistically. "I don't think they were" I spat back. "Do you always act like this when someone helps you?" He asked as I smirked. "Only when I don't want help" I said as he chuckled softly.

"Typical reporter, always so mouthy" he stated as I glared at him. "How do you know I'm a reporter? I could be an arrogant rich bitch like you?" I asked him. "Have you forgotten about the fact you are wearing a press badge?" He asked as he pointed to it. "You got me there but I really can take care of myself" I said as he nodded. "I have no doubt that you can. I also know that it wouldn't be very gentlemen-like of me to sit back and watch it happen." He said as I nodded. "I never learned your name. I'm William Everett" he said as he stuck his hand out to me. "I don't kiss and tell Mr Everett" I said as he chuckled. "I assume you to be more of a biter" he said as I smiled. "You would be correct Mr Everett" I said as he nodded. "What press company do you work for?" He asked as I sighed. "Georgehouse Media, I'm also not a reporter" I said as he nodded. "I assumed so" he said as I scoffed. "What gave me away?" I asked him curiously. "Reporters tend to be nicer" he stated.

"Well good thing I'm an editor" I said as he nodded. "You most likely have experience as an interviewer" he said as I nodded. "That would be correct Mr Everett" I said as he smiled. "I would like to have you interview me" he said as I chuckled. "I wouldn't do that for all the money in the world" I said as he nodded. "I want to place a bet with you" he said as I raised an eyebrow at him. "What would that be Mr Everett?" I asked him. He officially had my attention. "If I figure out your name then you will interview me" he said as I smirked. "I would be okay with that" I said as I looked at him. "There will be some rules." I said as he nodded. "I'd expect nothing less" he said as I smiled. "You can't ask anyone for help" I said as he nodded. "Is that the only stipulation?" He asked as I nodded. "Yes, that is the only stipulation" I assured him. "Then it's a bet" he said as he stuck his hand out to me and I shook it. "Then it's a bet" I said as he smiled.

"You will be eating your words Mr Everett" I said as he nodded. "I don't think I will Miss Reum" he said as I looked at him in shock. "How?" I asked him as he chuckled. "I'll tell you later. I will see you tomorrow at Everest Tech's building at 7 am sharp" he said arrogantly. "What if I'm busy?" I asked him challengingly. "Then figure it out" he said as I glared. "Remember, a bet is a bet" he said as I sighed. "I know" I said as he nodded. "I will see you then Miss Reum" he said as he walked away. "Damn" I said as I cursed myself for making such a wager. I headed out after that. I had to be up early after all. I pulled out my phone and quickly called a friend. "Hey, it's Eli. Can I crash at your place?" I asked Faye as she sighed. "Too wasted to drive home again?" She asked as I chuckled. "No, I'll explain when you get here" I said as I told her where I was. "I'll be there in 5" she said to me before hanging up the phone. "Leaving already?" William asked curiously.

I looked up to see him standing in front of me. "Yes, I have to be up early for our interview after all" I said as he nodded. "You don't live in New York?" He asked me curiously. "No, I am an intern for Georgehouse remember? That's in Philadelphia" I said as he nodded. "There's a Georgehouse branch here in New York also" he explained as I nodded. "You're an intern?" He asked as I nodded. "I need to go, oh and Mr Everett?" I said as I turned to look at him. "Yes Miss Reum?" He retorted. "If you want to get more information from me take me out to dinner first" I said as I walked out of the building and got into Faye's car. "Who was that?" She asked as I closed the car door and fastened my seatbelt. "No one, just please go. You know how I hate parties like this" I said as she nodded before pressing lightly on the gas. We drove away from the building. I glanced out the window and saw William standing there. He watched us until we were out of his line of sight. Faye looked over at me momentarily.

"He looked sad to see you go" Faye said as I chuckled. "Men like him don't feel sad, they have money to keep their spirits up" I said as she nodded. "It wouldn't hurt to date every once in a while you know?" She said as I scoffed. "You sound like my mother" I joked. "I have a lifetime to find someone, is it so wrong to focus on my career?" I asked her as she sighed. "I suppose not" she said as we pulled into her driveway. "Looks bigger than the last time I was here" I said as I got out. "I'm assuming you don't have any clothes?" She asked as I nodded. "I'll let you raid my closet" she said as I smiled. "You're a good friend Faye" I said as she nodded. "I know" she stated as I laughed. "Make yourself at home" Faye said as we walked into the house. "I always do" I said as I sat down and removed my heels and rubbed my sore feet. "Seriously, who was that guy?" Faye asked as I sighed. "William Everett" I said as she gasped. "As in Everest Tech?" She exclaimed as I nodded softly.

"What did you discuss that had him so sad to see you go?" She asked as I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. "Just work" I said as she raised an eyebrow at me. "That's it?" She asked as I chuckled. "What more is there to say? Do you want a word for word rundown of the conversation?" I asked her sarcastically. "That would be nice actually" she said as I scoffed. "I got myself in a situation and he helped me" I said as she listened in. "Then what?" She asked as I rolled my eyes. "I was being my normal self" u said as she laughed. "So a bitch?" She said as I flipped her off. "He told me his name but I refused to tell him mine" I said as she giggled. "He placed a bet that if he could figure out my name that I owed him an interview" I said as she motioned for me to continue the story. "He figured it out almost immediately" I said as she chuckled. "So when's the interview?" Faye asked me as I sipped my water. "Tomorrow at 7" I explained to her calmly.

"Is that why you are staying here instead of going back to Philly?" She asked as I nodded. "A deal is a deal" I said as she nodded. "Do you need to borrow a car?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes" I said as she tossed me a set of keys. I caught them one handed. "Scratch my car and I'll scratch your name off every social circle known to man" Faye said as I chuckled. "I won't" I said as I finished my water. "Any advice for dealing with Everett?" I asked her as she shrugged. "William prefers to keep to himself, he is however known for his specific taste in women. Every woman that he has gone public with only stays with him for a short time" Faye said as I nodded. "Womanizer, good to know" I said as she laughed. "Don't pre judge him" Faye said as I rolled my eyes. "Everyone with the wealth he has is the same" I said as she looked at me. "And that is?" Faye asked me. "They're dicks" I said as she sighed. "You aren't much better Eli" Faye said as I walked down the hallway to the guest room.

"I'm fully aware" I said confidently before walking into the room and closing the door. I saw a pair of pajamas laid out on the bed. I put them on before walking into Faye's room. "I need a dress for tomorrow" I said as she nodded. "Sexy?" She asked as I scoffed. "Interview" I said as she sighed. She came out with three short dresses. "Seriously?" I asked her as I held up the dress. It would barely cover my butt. "I'm a hoe okay? Sue me" she said as I laughed. I chose the longest of the dresses and headed back to the guest room and closed the door. I hung it on the hook on the back of the door before climbing into the large bed. I spent about 45 minutes checking my email and answering as many as I could. One in particular caught my eye. It was from none other than William Everett. I wondered how he got my email. 'Looking forward to our interview Miss Reum' was what the email contained. He also gave me his phone number. I typed it into my contacts before gently putting my phone down and lying down to sleep.

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