3. Guides to the Mystic Realm

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"Since when did you start hating your mother?" said Oscar smoothly.

"She is not MY MOTHER!" shouted Mr. Norris.

"Well, I don't want to waste my time talking with you," said Oscar, looking at Oliver, who then glanced at Oscar and back at Mr. Norris.

"Where's your so-called grandson, Norris?" said Oliver.

"I will not let you take him," said Mr. Norris smoothly.

"Ok, sure," said Oliver, smirking.

Then Oscar waved his hand in different directions, and the boy who had been secretly standing at the stairs disappeared and reappeared in front of Oscar.

"Well, here you are."

Alex was left awestruck, pondering how he found himself in that position in the blink of an eye. He had never experienced such a sensation before; it felt new and strange. Before he could dwell further on his thoughts, Oliver interrupted.

"Let's go now."

"Where?" Alex asked slowly.


"Home?" Alex asked slowly, confusion evident in his voice.

"Yes, home," replied Oliver, his tone calm yet firm.

"Well, this is my home," Alex said.

"No. This is not your home. Your home isn't what you see here. It is more beautiful and huge," said Oliver, as if explaining to a five-year-old.

"You will see it; just you wait for some time," said Oscar.

"Come on now," said Oliver as he pulled Alex towards him and headed to the door.

"Wait, what about Mr. Norris?" said Alex.

"Well, he isn't the person you have to think about now."

"Wait a minute, I don't know who you are. I have to ask Mr. Norris."

"Go!" shouted a voice from behind. "Just go! You are safe with them."

Alex didn't even look back at the voice as he was pulled outside the house.

"Now!" shouted Oscar. And then SWOOSH, as Alex felt two hands grip his shoulders. All Alex could see now was that they were at the edge of the forest, with a road ahead and a black limo in front of them in the distance. As he looked around, all he could see were trees and a pathway leading to the road, with the house nowhere in sight.

Alex was pulled into the car and seated face to face with the twins. They couldn't see the driver as there was a wall separating them.

"You can rest now. We still have a thirty four-hour journey ahead," said Oliver.

Alex marveled at the cleanliness of the car, unlike anything he had ever seen. The only car he had been in before was Mr. Norris's, which was kept hidden in the woods. Mr. Norris used it occasionally to fetch supplies from a shop that was fifty kilometers away. However, Mr. Norris's car was always unkempt, filled with trash from orange juice cans and spilled juice.

The silence was broken by Alex's voice as he spoke for the first time.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"We are your Guides," replied both of them simultaneously, exchanging a glance before smiling in unison.

"Guides for what?" Alex inquired.

"Well, we don't want to spoil anything for you, but we have to tell you something that may surprise you," explained Oscar.

Alex Mayne and the Shadow of the SentinelWhere stories live. Discover now