Chapter 2

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Harry and Hermione were studying in the Gryffindor common room. Hermione had spread their work over two whole tables and they were researching and working quietly.

"How many inches does our History of Magic essay supposed to be?" Harry asked suddenly. "Sixteen." Hermione answered. Harry groaned. He was never going to be able to finish it. "Well, I'm sure Professor Binns won't mind if you do more," Hermione said, thoroughly misreading Harry's expression. "I did twenty-four inches myself."

Harry got up, walked over to a couch, and plopped down on it. a moment later, Hermione got up and made her way over to Harry, which surprised him. She sat down a bit closer than he expected.

"We have been working for a while, I guess we can take a break." Harry's jaw dropped. "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione?" He said. Hermione laughed warmly.

Harry looked down at his watch and his eyes flew open wide. "Oh, crap! Charms starts in five minutes!" Hermione grabbed his wrist, looked at his watch, jumped up still holding Harry's wrist, and practically dragged him all the way to charms at top speed. They burst in just as Professor Flitwick was about to start. Harry groaned. They had charms with the Slytherins.

The only seats left were right next to Malfoy, who was snickering at Hermione and Harry's hand. Hermione realized she was still holding his wrist and hastily let go as they took their seats.

"Today, we are doing Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm. I will pair everybody up, and we will practice of feathers."

Harry was glum as he had not been paired up with Hermione and instead had been paired with Seamus, who somehow managed to blow up his and Harry's feathers. Professor Flitwick gave them new feathers with a grumpy look on his face and Seamus was more careful after that.

"Wingardium Leviosaah" Ron yelled, waving his wand at the feather to no avail. "Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take somebody's eye out." Hermione said. "It's Leviooosa, not Leviosaah." Ron rolled his eyes. "If you're so good, why don't you do it?" Hermione shrugged and swished and flicked her wand as she said clearly: "Wingardium Leviosa." The feather sped towards the ceiling before floating back down to the table. Harry marveled at her success and tried again. His feather floated into the air and dropped back down as Ron huffed.


Harry and Hermione were walking down the hall after charms, very pleased with themselves for being the only ones in class that managed to make their feathers fly. Ron was walking slightly ahead of them with Seamus and Dean.

"She's such and insufferable know-it-all." Ron said in front of them, not noticing or not caring Hermione was right behind them. "'It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaahh.' No wonder she has no friends." 

Tears sprung into Hermione's eyes and she ran past Ron, down the hall and out of sight. Ron looked slightly uncomfortable, but he also was wearing a satisfied expression on his face. As Harry walked by Ron, he cuffed him round the back of his head. "OW!" Ron roared. Harry glared at him. "What is wrong with you? She was bullied for that exact reason in muggle school and she came here thinking that the bullying was over!"

Ron stuck his tongue out and stormed off.


Hermione wasn't at the Halloween feast and Harry was starting to get worried. It wasn't like her to skip something this big, and she was always punctual. Harry's head turned when he heard people saying "Hermione."

"--Been crying in the bathroom all day--" "--Poor thing--" Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown were glaring at Ron and whispering loud enough for Ron to hear and make him uncomfortable.

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