chris cant stop yapping

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based off of the 'Chris can't stop tapping' yt video !

y/n's pov
today i was joining my boyfriend chris and his brothers in filming their car video for the week. i was in the backseat with nick, while matt and chris were in their usual spot. we were getting ready and matt got out of the car, making sure the camera was okay, before getting back in. "we're good," he said. "i almost locked you out forever on purpose, get out of the car," chris said as matt shut the door.

"today we don't have any topics, but filming a car video without a topic is like finding the dusty book," chris said. "babe, what..?" "what does that mean?" nick and i said at the same time. "like you know sometimes you see the book you shake off the dust and it's always like.. the one you need," chris said. "you ever notice that whenever they need the book to solve the problem, it's always dusty and hasn't been touched," chris said. "that's what filming a car video with no topic feels like," he said.

"i have to pee really bad," chris said. "again?!" nick said. "we just started," matt told him. "you need to go to the doctor," nick said. "no i've been drinking allot of water i'm staying hydrated," chris said. "okay i have something to bring up," nick said. "it may be an unpopular opinion, but chick fil a is ass," he said. "i completely agree," chris said. "what!" i yelled, looking at the both of them. "it's so good though, i go there whenever i'm craving a chicken sandwich.." i said.

"i think it's one of the worst places to eat ever," chris said. "woah, with your girlfriend right there?" matt laughed. chris turned to look at me and i looked at him with a playful frown on my face. "sorry baby," he laughed. "but it's true, i don't like it.." he said. "i needed to make a list of things to do, it was either a list of things i needed to buy or to do, like i forget what it is," chris said. "no problem, fucking move on," nick said and i hit him in the arm. "let him talk," i laughed a little.

"you wanna know what i was thinking?" matt said. "go for it," nick said, and matt started talking before chris interrupted him. "oh my god, sorry, i'm just really hot," chris said. "i'm really hot and i didn't realize it until you started talking," he said. "well you have yet to shut the fuck up, and that's gonna play into how you feel," nick said. "and no offense chris, but you were on the list that i was thinking earlier, of one of the people that could.. talk a little less you know?" matt said. "oh that's fine," chris said.

"well personally," i started, sitting up in the seat and leaning towards the front where matt and chris were sitting. "i could listen to chris talk all day," i said, wrapping my arms around the seat and putting my hands on his shoulders. "move on," nick said. and chris went to open his mouth, "chris shut up," nick said. i rubbed his shoulder a little and he turned his head to look at me, giving me a small smile. "i always think what your life would be like and how it would change if i never spoke again," chris said to matt.

"i think that too sometimes.." matt said. "let's try it," chris shrugged, looking out the window. matt was talking about a story he was telling a friend the other day, when chris spoke up, "i have to peeee, i have to pee so bad please go home, please," he said and nick hit him. "stop hitting him," i laughed, smacking nick in the arm. "stop defending him he needs to be quiet," nick said. "but when you complain every video for 10 minutes that's okay?" i smirked at him.

chris reached back and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze, which i knew was a a silent 'thank you'. it seemed like it was getting to chris that his brothers kept telling him to be quiet, but i also knew that he knew they didn't mean any harm, and that they were just messing with him. "okay everyone i resign from todays video," chris said. "you'll be yapping again in 2 seconds," matt said. "no i won't matt, you always act like i'm just.." "notice how you have yet to stop talking after you said you were," nick said, and chris immediately turned his head to look out the window.

i gave nick a look before squeezing chris' hand again, rubbing it with my thumb. chris started talking about turning his notifications off, and nick interrupted him, again. "we don't care, they don't care, we don't care," he said. "k," chris said, turning around in his seat. "no one cares about why your ringer would be on," he said. "i care baby.." i said to him. "why?" nick asked. "because i care about everything he has to say," i shrugged.

we wrapped up the video and went back home, and nick and matt went outside, and me and chris got out, and i wrapped my arms around him, and he looked down at me. "thank you," he smiled. i looked up at him, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. "you may be a yapper, but you're my yapper, and i love listening to you and everything you have to say," i smiled, and he gave me another kiss before we went inside.

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