And then what had happened?

His last memory was that of Jungkook and Somi seeming to approach him.

Lisa's face suddenly turned cold. It seemed that he had been too careless around them. He hadn't expected that Jungkook and his sister would dare to do such things with Jisoo present. They really had some nerve.

He gazed upon the woman who was sleeping on the other side of the bed. She had her back to him. Her black hair covered her facial features, and the bedsheets dropped slightly, revealing her white shoulders.

The smell of alcohol had not yet dissipated, and the stench filled the room. The woman remained sound asleep.

Lisa had no interest in guessing what had happened after he had passed out last night. He was not the least bit interested in how Somi had framed him or how she had taken off his clothes.

Lisa sneered, restraining his urge to strangle the woman lying next to him. It would be splendid.

He had really underestimated this pair of siblings. They had the guts to try to frame him.

Lisa got out of bed without a second thought and realized his clothes were gone. The sneer on his face deepened.

If he was right, Jungkook would barge in with the others soon to try to catch him cheating.

What a marvelous scheme. If he didn't get caught, how could he repay the Jeon siblings for their dastardly plot?

Lisa looked around but couldn't find his phone. He proceeded to call room service and ask for a set of clothes.

After hanging up, he realized that the woman he thought was Somi was waking up. He saw her body moving under the bedsheets.

Was she awake?


Lisa marched forward. He reached out his hand and seized the damn women by the neck. "Somi, you-"

"Hm." A muffled sound came from under the bedsheets. Lisa released his hand having heard the familiar voice.

Her black hair slid off her face, uncovering the delicate and pearly face that was hiding under it. Jennie?


Jennie had still been dreary when she felt the sharp pinch on her neck. She coughed several times before waking up. Eventually, she got her breath, and her eyes widened. She stared at Lisa.

"What's the matter? You get up and strangle someone's neck every morning? Did you and that young lady like to play rough?"

"Wife, how are you here?" Lisa quickly checked her neck, relieved when he discovered that it was just a little red.

"Wife, are you okay? I didn't mean it. I am-"

"You're what?" Jennie regained her mobility and sat up. Looking at Lisa, who was still naked, she said, "I didn't know you did this in your free time."

"Wife, I don't." Lisa was shocked and quickly tried to explain himself. "Wife. Listen to me, I thought you were Somi."

Lisa was anxious to explain his innocence. Jennie straightened up and pulled up the bedsheets to cover herself because she was still undressed.

"Yes. I know that. You thought I was Somi. Not only did you guys get a room last night, but you also kept saying Somi's name all night while you hugged me."


Lisa shook his head. Shock was written all over his face.

Jennie sneered. "Impossible? Look at my hand."

To My Dear Lalisa Manoban [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now