~chapter 17~

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December 12th

"Ok, should it be Mr and Mrs Hamilton, or just our full names, like Elizabeth Hamilton?"

"I like the way Elizabeth Hamilton sounds, but will it really fit on that small ring?"

Alexander looked at the small golden rings he cradled in his shaky palms, the cold attacking his un-gloved hands.

"I'll see what the jeweler can do."

"And where is this so-called jeweler?"

"He used to live pretty nearby, but I'm pretty sure he changed locations."

John paused, catching Alexander's attention.

"So you don't know where we're going?"

"Eh, We'll find a way."


It took them 1 hour, but they got there. knocking firmly on the wooden door to make their arrival known. They were grateful that the man was somewhat known for his craft, for if he was not, they wouldn't have been able to find his address through random civilians they came across on the street.

Alexander stayed temporarily in the city sometime ago, but recognizing faces and streets were now a challenge for him. For that, he prayed that John kept track of the twists and turns they took, or else they wouldn't be able to find their way back to pastures. (though, it'll be pretty easy to ask for directions to that location too.)

They were face to face with a pretty tall building, the concrete walls slightly moldy and had vines running up between the brick joints. But Alexander had no time to face the building, he wanted to face the resident that lived in the home. He was tapping his foot impatiently, knocking again as the first time clearly didn't work. It was only 12pm, but he felt as though his time was very limited. He had a lot to do after all, after this he had to go speak with the pastor, then after that he had to set a few things up by the camp. He knew better than to think that it was going to be a quick and easy process.

"Maybe he's not home." John mumbled after hearing a frustrated sigh come out of Alexander.

"Oh, he's definitely home, he just doesn't welcome his home to guests."

"Then that should be our sign to leave him alone."

"Not by chance, bud. I'm not leaving until I get our names into these rings."

"I don't understand what the deal is, just give them to her as they are. Simple, but still gorgeous."

"You don't understand John, I want to make them more accustomed to us. These rings are old and belonged to her grandparents. I feel nothing for these rings except for the fact that they're expensive and will be worn by my future wife. I want these rings to be a symbol of our unity."

"Are you done?"

Alexander rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, with a dramatic sigh, he continued.

"It's either that or I carve my beloved's name into my skin. I suppose it is cheaper than paying 10 dollars for a carving job."

And with that, the two men heard the locks of the door unlock immediately. Clearly, the resident was listening to them the whole time.

"Ah, Miranda Stuart, always listening to others' conversations. "

Alexander's smirking displayed the pride in knowing the man's repetitive behavior. Never respond to guests unless there's money involved.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in visitors at the moment."

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