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Loki, Riveria, and Finn were in a room adjacent to the one Bell was resting in. He'd been brought to Twilight Manor and healed, after which the events of the day were relayed to the Goddess, captain and co-captain. They were currently standing in silence, all three thinking about and weighing the current options. So far the options were to let him walk away, or offer him a spot in the familia. There wasn't much else that could be done.

"I for one think it is a good idea to offer him a spot in the familia."

Loki and Finn looked over to the person who had finally broken the silence.

"Yeah, Riveria, I agree."

Loki swung her head to look at Finn.

"You too?"

Finn nodded his head.

"Bell has a clear aptitude for combat and an almost scary drive about him. He went into the dungeon without a blessing twice, presumably because he hadn't heard back from any familia."

"Yes, but-"

"He took down a minotaur without a falna, and from what Ais and the others have said, he claims to be the Argonaut himself. At the very least, should we not talk to him and offer?"

Loki stared at Finn for a moment before sighing.

"It's not that simple. If he truly is the Argonaut, it would be a fair guess that he has some relation to the previous Argonaut. The previous Argonaut had a child who was taken from Orario and raised by Zeus. From his application, he said he was raised by his Grandfather far away from Orario but grew up learning about the dungeon, how to fight, and being fed stories of heroes. And I'm sure you remember the fact that I had a very heavy hand when it came to Zeus being banished. If the pieces do connect, and they fit too well not too, then it would be a safe bet that he harbors some ill will towards me, which is fine, but I can't have it affecting the rest of you in the dungeon or something."

Finn and Riveria listened, before Finn again nodded and came up with an easy solution.

"Okay. Then ask him."


"Ask him if he harbors ill will against you. If he lies, you'll know. If he tells the truth, we offer him a spot."

Loki seemed hesitant so Riveria spoke up.

"And it might be good for Ais. Look, if you are correct in the assumption that Bell is related to the same Argonaut of the Zeus familia, then would it not follow that he too would have a desire to slay the dragon?"

Finn and Riveria let Loki sit and think for a few minutes before she next spoke.

"Alright, fine. We'll see if he has an issue with me, and if he doesn't we offer him a place in the familia. But we are running off of a bunch of assumptions right now, though."

Finn simply smiled.

"Then let's wait for him to rest and wake up, and we can ask him some questions."


Bell jolted awake yet again, the nightmare having come back worse than ever before. When he looked around the room he was in he quickly noticed a few things.

First, he didn't know where he was or why. This room was much nicer than the inn he'd been living out of. Second, he noticed someone else in the room with him. She was right next to his bed, sitting in a chair. Right now she was giving him a curious look. The last thing he noticed was his lack of clothing. He only had his boxers on.

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