Growing Up

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Bell, yet again, woke up covered in sweat. Another nightmare. Or more accurately, the same nightmare. He got out of bed, feeling quite nasty being covered in and surrounded by sweat, but he was used to it. He took off his boxers, threw them in an empty basket, and began to get ready. He would've liked to bathe, but he had work to do anyways. He got on some clean boxers and pants, his black t-shirt, and strapped his boots on. Then, he opened his door and began his day.

"Bell, good morning!"

Grandpa was as cheery as ever. How he woke up so cheerful everyday, Bell would never understand.

"Hey Grandpa."

A monotone voice left his throat. Bell was very much not a morning person. He walked over to the table and sat down, taking the only other seat, the one across from Gramps. Being a morning person, Grandpa almost always had breakfast ready in the morning, and then Bell cooked in the afternoon. Today's breakfast, eggs. Bell dug in, and 'Hisoshi' (Zeus' alias) began to tell Bell the plan for the day.

"We have a simple, easy day today Bell. We have a water run to make, and then cutting some wood for the inn."

"Why do you always say 'we'? You know I'm just gonna do it anyways. You have other stuff to do."

This was true. Hisoshi had started working in the village mine some time ago, out of a need for extra cash. Most of the money Hisoshi earned went to food, and the rest towards paper, quills, and books. He spent much of his time at home writing, mostly legends of old. Tales of the gods and the exploits of heros through the ages. But Bell didn't mind doing the labor himself. He knew his Grandpa had a job to do, and he loved the stories his Grandpa wrote and bought for him,  so he would help in whatever ways he could. 

"I know Bell. Old habbits, you understand."

"Yes Gramps."

They settled into a comfortable silence, as Hisoshi wrote and ate, and Bell tore through his breakfast. Upon getting done, Bell took both his and his Grandpa's plates to clean them, then put them away. Then, he went and lumbered over to his Grandpa, and gave him a side hug, since Gramps was still in his chair writing. 

"Alright Gramps, I've gotta go get this stuff done. It shouldn't take too long. Have a good day at work, stay safe." 

"I will, Bell. Have a good day yourself."

Bell went to the door to the cabin and opened it. Right before stepping out, however, he heard his Grandpa's voice once more.

"I love you Bell."

This wasn't unusual, they had always cared and loved for one another. But Grandpa's back was turned to him, so all he had to go off of was the unusual way he said it. Bell couldn't place what was different about how he said it, so he decided that he must've been overthinking.

"Love you too, Gramps."

Bell continued out the door, not knowing how much his life would change today.


As the door closed behind Bell, Hisoshi sighed a deep sigh. Bell was a smart kid, and very hardworking. Of course, that was how he had raised Bell. He coddled Bell in his early years, but had taught Bell to pick himself up, and to work as hard as he could toward any goal he had, be it getting his chores done or a fun game of tag with the village kids. Well, at least many years ago. Bell didn't really socialize with kids his age anymore. There wasn't any animosity, Bell just grew out of playing before the other kids in the village had.

Bell was 15 now. Hisoshi had been raising the boy for 14 years, and Bell had grown into quite the kid. Hisoshi had fed Bell stories of heros and monsters, good vs evil for his whole life. He had taught the boy to use a sword. He also taught him as a teacher, educating Bell in reading, writing, math, and science, though only the basics. Bell's real intelligence came from reading. 

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