Peanut Side Down!

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Bunk'd episode: For Love and Money

theme song: My Coloring Book by Chad & Jeremy

plot: Chad falls for Marlyn, a pretty woodworker, but something about her makes Patty, Burt and Brer Rabbit suspicious. Jeremy, Brer Bear and Brer Fox go on a treasure hunt. 


1. My uncle Robby's favorite installment (because of the deviated septum joke)

2. Marlyn Mason and Chad & Jeremy appeared on Laredo together.

3. Brer Rabbit mentions Marlyn working with Peter Graves, who also appeared in the same episode of Laredo.

4. When Jeremy was focused on the treasure, my dad said his lines like Gessler.

5. Tons of Laredo references are made through Chad and Marlyn's dialogue. 

6. Brer Rabbit's line, "mark my words, that Brer Possum is fat fat fat!" references a line Grandpa George says in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

7. It starts to become clear that the gang is actually on Splash Mountain, but it's still unclear where it is. Jeremy says the vikings were the first to land in Georgia (where Song of the South was set), but Burt later implies that they're in Florida. 

8. It's unclear why Chad would be in a love affair with a stranger when his wife was already mentioned in the first Jelly Side Up!

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