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full name: Michael Jeremy Thomas Clyde

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full name: Michael Jeremy Thomas Clyde

age: 26

other names: Brer Jeremy (by the critters), Lord Wellington (by Brer Rabbit)

personality: loving, loyal, funny, wise-cracking, strict, fastidious, hot headed, awkward, friendly, romantic, sweet, determined, attentive, gentle, warm, helpful

friends: Chad, Jill, Patty, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, Burt, Brer Vulture, Santa Claus

enemies: Napoleon's descendants

likes: girls, critters, being an actor, royalty, perfection, shoes, music, adventure, getting things done, romance, Italian food, 16 magazine, watching Patty slide down the mountain's 50 foot plunge, the color blue, surfing music, horror movies, fan mail, people, parties

hates: flying, Ross destroying his shoes, his own jealousy issues, hurting Patty's feelings, being pressured, dirty birds, Chad's poor sense of direction, inefficiency, racism, ringing phones, getting messy, barn chores, hurting himself, delivering babies, made up magazine stories

quotes: "I think the fact that you're wearing a silly little hat shows that you never did get the gum out of your fur."

"That's big talk for a bear in such a tiny hat."

"I don't come from a family that talks a lot about their emotions. I'm royal. My mother would show me she loved me by whipping a peasant."

"Patty, I really can't tell you how I feel. But I can sing it."

"You're so sweet and beautiful. You're my everything."

"Only that Brer Bear has a deviated septum."

"I had to carry the queen's crown at her coronation and it weighed a ton."

"Oh dear! Now my feelings and my hips are hurt."

"And very possibly pink eye."

"That might be because the water comes from the same pipes."

"Maybe there's someone who can help us not die out here." 

"Santa never gave me presents because I never made it onto his list of people who made peace with the French."

"That's an airplane, you ignoramus!" 

"Okay, if you want to take the theatricality out of it."

"Those wankers!"

"Chad the lad, you just missed a giant pizza explosion."

"Letting a friend down is one of my top three things to never do. Number one is missing Patty sliding down the big plunge."

"Dear, this was supposed to be a special dinner for Chad. Is this really the best you could do?"

"I just want a telly show where I'm not making jokes about Dick Van Dyke's furniture."

"I'm surprised you use this decor. Every restaurant we've ever gone to has the word 'shake' in it."

"I wish I could. I was picking bits of pork shank out of my teeth for a month."

"Chad, for our side I'm decorating with sawdust. It's festive and it soaks up vomit."

"Splash Mountain has a barn?"

"I just remembered I left the oven on in the briar patch. My pie will burn."

"Not dried. Drid."

"Chad, you know how you love Woolly and want to take care of her? Well, that's how I feel about you."

"Between you and me, I do that on purpose so I can keep shopping."

"Oh, but he knew what he was doing! Oh, I hear it now."

"Thanks for that gratuitously nasty nickname."

"Brer Vulture looks for food in the dumpster? How are we not poisoned already!"

"You can't prove I did! But my belly can."

"Brer Bear thinks he's a bird? Brer Rabbit, do you really think I'm daft?"

"It's an actor's job to pretend."

"Brer Rabbit, this is so embarrassing. I'm not that good an actor."

"Come on, Harold! Fly! Fly! Like this!" 

"Next, you'll be telling me there's no twelve days of peace treaties."

"All we wanted was to throw a simple party and give you the tribute you deserve!"

"Ross has shredded my shoes!"

"I'll get you, my Patty, and your little dog too!"

"Oh my poor feet. I finally understand the original purpose of shoes."


Jeremy is Chad's best friend and the other half of the duo Chad & Jeremy. He's more of an actor than a musician and often prides himself on his acting. In Twisted Peppermint, it's revealed that most of the shows/plays Jeremy was in involved some sort of murder. He is smitten with Patty, but sometimes gets in trouble with her, as seen in Jelly Side Up! in which he becomes nervous when she tells him she loves him. Also in Jelly Side Up!, it's revealed that Jeremy has royal heritage. A running gag is that other characters (mostly Brer Rabbit), pokes fun at the way Jeremy's family operates. In Iced Gingerbread, it's revealed that, being a descendent of the Duke of Wellington, Jeremy has a complicated relationship with Napoleon's descendants. Jeremy despises getting himself or others dirty. In Lamb Chops, he says that he hates getting his clothes dirty and cleaning barns. It's also revealed that he has a crush on Julie Newmar. Overall, Jeremy is a charming, albeit a little hotheaded, person who loves his friends and the critters of Splash Mountain. 

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