Brer Fox

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name: Brer Fox

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name: Brer Fox

personality: fast-talking, sassy, hot-headed, sarcastic, uppity, funny, clumsy, friendly, polite, quirky, determined, focused

friends: Chad, Jeremy, Patty, Burt, Brer Bear, Brer Vulture, Jill

enemies: Brer Rabbit (frenemy)

likes: Rabbit stew, pranks, sliding in mud, getting wet, saunas, sassing people, payback, laughing, giving presents

dislikes: Christmas (formerly), loneliness, Brer Rabbit's tricks, crime, being trapped, going near Brer Bear's butt, Ross peeing in his kettle, stupidity, crawling in the sewer, being wrong, getting his feelings hurt

quotes: "Thanks for helping out with mail call, Brer Chad. Try not to mess it up."

"Burt wrote to Adele he's gonna fill up the Gotham City reservoir with jelly!"

"Jelly side up! But it don't matter. No matter what he does, he's gonna go to jail!"

"She sounds exactly like I thought."

"You are hanging on by a very slender thread."

"Jeremy, you got it!"

"I just swallowed something and it's not happy!"

"I saw a robin near the Briar Patch. Just catch it and slap a cape on it."

"Pea brained bird, 2. Pea brained actress, zero."

"I had to choose between fingerless gloves and fingerless paws."

"Sis Patty, did you put all this baking powder in the dough?"

"These leaves feel like they're exfoliating my skin. It's kinda tingly."

"Look at me, y'all! I'm riding a dragon!"

"There's a garden gnome on your back and it looks angry! Got it! It's on my throat!"

"Even goats couldn't eat this stuff, and I once saw one eat a septic tank."

"Little tip. Don't give a fox pup lighter fluid. It ends badly."

"Interesting fact: skunks love the smell of barbecued hoof."

"I saved as much food as I could, but I may have lost a pinky. Kinda scared to look."

"Brer Chad, is you trying to make food or send smoke signals?"

"Wow. I feel sorry for that cardboard."

"All you got is bats in your belfry."

"If we had to get stuck with half of Brer Bear, why'd it have to be this half?"

"We're getting steamed like clams!"

"The paint thinner smell is my new fur product. The chicken broth is just my natural musk."

"Of course Brer Rabbit overheard my conversation with you! This whole thing was just one of his tricks!"

"Howdy son! Who you think you calling out?"

"Okay y'all, what's up with Laughing Place? She gone, nah mean?"

"I'd destroy the mountain with a flamethrower. Time to wreck the halls!"

"May they rest in pieces."

"There's a lot of needy kids out there. Maybe we could invite them to the mountain for Christmas."

"I's Hijax Axe! The tree chopping mutant that gets rabbits hopping."

"I'm pretty sure the only thing being smashed is Brer Bear's bones!"

"You float better than all the rest."

"I never thought my first kiss would be with the Briar Patch."

"Brer Jeremy, it looks like you owe me twelve hundred bucks."

"I just came to watch Brer Jeremy walk through the forest barefoot."


Brer Fox is a hot-headed fox who's frequently outwitted by Brer Rabbit. But he's not a bad critter overall. He's very good to his human friends, though he sasses back quite frequently. But he does the best he can to help them when he needs to, like in Iced Gingerbread where he helps Patty and Burt find the right presents for each other. Brer Fox loves barbecue and always wants the right decor to go with it. In Twisted Peppermint, it's revealed that he always hated Christmas because everyone thinks he's going to cook them for Christmas dinner. He gets hotheaded when Brer Bear acts stupid or Brer Rabbit tricks him, particularly when he thinks his plan is working. Brer Fox seems to succeed on the prank front in Peanut Side Down! until Brer Bear and Jeremy get revenge on him. In Weiner Dogs, it's revealed that Brer Fox has a crush on Lesley Gore and makes out with a poster of her. Despite his moments with Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox still gets along with him as well as the other residents of Splash Mountain. 

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