Chapter One

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Six months

That's how long  its been since her tragedy occurred. I call it her tragedy because while this incident hurt others, it completely destroyed her. What is this life altering incident one may ask? The loss of the love of her life in a car crash.

A drunken driver swerved into her lane, hitting her head on. Nikkei was on the phone with Emerald when the crash happened. Emerald had to hear her screams just before the impact, the soul-splitting sounds of Nikkei's precious, delicate body being crushed and compacted inside the metal coffin that was once a 21st birthday present from none other than Emerald herself.

Since her loss, Emerald has lost herself. Before the crash, Emerald was a bubbly bright soul. She regularly attended church, never drank or smoked, She was always busy caring for others and devoting herself to her wife of four years. The crash stole all this away, leaving only an empty shell of booze and cigarettes.

Nikkei's family and the church tried to support and help emerald through her hard time for a while, taking her our of the house and bringing her meals, but they had stopped trying. Who could blame them? Emerald was non-responsive to all their efforts. She had already fallen down the deep rabbit hole of depression. She felt she had died in the white Honda along with her love and there was nothing to revive her either.

Recently, Emerald had taken to dancing and drinking in clubs as a new method of soothing the pain. It didn't exactly sooth the pain, but it made her forget about it for the night.

Dear Lord, Those eyes. (Completed)(lesbian story)(wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now