6. Take a seat lil one

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Me and Diablo walk through the isles of the grocery store skimming through all the products. He's following me like a little kid does with their mom. The expression on his face shows he absolutely hates doing this but to bad he's putting up with it. I slow down stopping at the chips and Diablo runs into me from behind to which I shot a glare back towards him.

"You know you gotta watch your surroundings?" I stated as I pick out the bag of chips I wanted.

"It's not my fault you stopped so fast, it's like you wanted me to run into you." I scoffed and continued walking down the aisle trying to think of more things i wanted to grab.

"We need milk for cereal I forgot all about it so we gotta go back down there." I pointed to the area we just came from.

"Well I can assure you we got some." He winked at me with this slight smile. I turned the cart around to go back  not paying any attention to him.

"You're gross." He caught up to me giggling like a little kid.

"Gross but you like it." I shook my head at how stupid he sounded. As I turned I almost ran into a man. A man that looked awfully familiar.

"Ahh look who we got here.." the man looked at me up and down slowly walking towards us. He placed his hands on the front of the cart to stop me from moving it. Diablo stepped forward shooting bullets towards the man.

"Respectfully you need to walk the hell away." Diablo said standing in front of him. The guy let out this loud wicked laugh pretending to wipe away tears from his eyes.

"Okay okay.." he acted scared with his hands up in surrender as he walked backwards and turned down an aisle. Diablo grabbed the cart brining us to the checkout.

"We are leaving." We continued walking towards the registers but me being nosey wanted to know what that was about.

"What the hell why? We still have things to get! And who was that?" Diablo shook his head and put our items up on the conveyor belt. Honestly whatever he wants to be like that? Fine.

I walk over to the pin pad once the lady scanned everything up and pulled my wallet out before being pushed to the side. Diablo had his card out and swiped it saying thank you to the cashier. We walked out the grocery store and put the items in his trunk then got inside the car.

"I coulda paid for my shit Diablo. This doesn't change that I'm mad at you though." He gave me a look of confusion.

"And for what did I do to deserve you being mad at me?" He pulled out and started driving as I stared outside of the window. I didn't say a word I just let him drive.

"Oh so I get the silent treatment?" I hummed mhm and left it at that.

"And if I stop this car like I did before would you still give me the silent treatment" I made sure to have him see me roll my eyes at him.

"Don't play because I will have those eyes rolling back soon. And you'll be loving it." I started to blush at the thought and he began laughing. I hate what this man does to me. But I need to keep myself in a straight line. I can't be interested in him at all.

We got back to the house we were staying and walked the grocery's in to where we were greeted with cains presence. He eyed me and Diablo back and forth then went to put away items from the bags.

"So how was the trip to the store?" I felt the heat to my face burn hot thinking about how I was on top of Diablo as I put the drinks in the fridge.

"Oh well you know it was pretty good we had fun." Cain looked like he wanted to rip Diablo's face of after he said that.

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