Chapter 1

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

<:> 985 <:>

''' Third Person'''

Adamai and Phearys freed themselves from under the rubble once Qilby and Yugo disappeared. The two dragons came back out to the surface of the Crimson Claw Archipelago. They saw that the shushus were gone and all forces had been moved to recover those on the battlefield. It didn't take the two long to find Percedal and Eva. 

"Adamai, what happened?" Eva asked as the dragons reached her. Adamai looked down.

"Yugo is still fighting him..." Adamai whispered, adding "the traitor" under his breath. Persedal didn't hesitate to go back into the fight.

"We should back and safe him!" he shouted excitedly. Phaerys grabbed the Iop's shoulder before he could get far.

"It would be foolish to go back in while the young king and the traitor are at battle. They are out of our reach anyway," he said in a low tone.

"Young king..?" Adamai, Eva, and Persedal asked in unison.

"Phaerys will explain later," the dragon simply said, turning to Adamai, "Adamai, are you able to sense your brother's wakfu?"

"Faintly. Wherever Qilby took him, it is far away. It's a similar sensation to what I felt when he was in the Shucrute, but still feels further than even that," Adamai responded. Phaerys nodded and let go of Persedal.

"Qilby is on this island? We left him in the Sadidas!" Eva exclaimed confused. Adamai sighed.

"His whole goal was to trick us into finding Shinonome's Dofus. He only wanted to use us from the very beginning," he spat the words, "Now he has Yugo and who knows what he'll do with him."

A silence fell over the four after that, no one knowing how to continue. Then, as no one moved, Amalia came riding over on one of her vines, Ruel held in a second vine.

She got right to the point, "Adamai, where is Yugo?"

Adamai remained silent. He didn't think he could say it again. Eva motioned for her to cut that off and Amalia quietly gasped.

"Ah.... uhm.... how was your side of the fight, Eva...?" she said nervously.

"Fine... I gues-"


"Stop shouting, Iop-head, or I'll never get to hear the birds ever again," Amalia complained, rolling her eyes and sighing dramatically. The group returned to silence.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 968 <:>

''' Xaiolei'''

I quickly got out of bed to make breakfast. I knew my dad wouldn't be up until at least 7, so I had about an hour. I grabbed Yugo from the little basket beside me and brought him upstairs. I lit the candle system so that I could see.

Yugo giggled in amusement at the sudden light in the room. His smile was really cute. Holding him in my arms, I let him grab at some of the longer strands of my hair in his view. 

I smiled back at Yugo and set him down in another basket that I attached to a chair at the table. If my dad were to walk it at any moment, Yugo would be hidden from his view until I picked him up.

I promised myself in that moment that I be the best parent I could. He would never have to know about his story, and I could pretend it didn't even happen.

I got back to work on my breakfast and used the flint and steel on the table to light a fire I could cook with. I still wasn't good at using the tool it seemed.

I was just pouring some water into the large pot I was going to make oatmeal in when I saw a sudden flash from behind me.

I instantly turned to Yugo and walked away from the table. He wasn't that far away from me, but by the time I reached him, the previously blue light I saw coming from his direction was gone.

I picked the boy up and examined him carefully. I saw nothing strange in particular, but I wondered if it was his hat. I thought about taking it off, but what if it was important?

Ignoring that thought, I took it off, thinking only about how I wouldn't let anything happen to him.

I gently pulled the hat off and looked for a moment. Nothing peculiar... Yugo made a noise wiht a slightly concerned tone, so I put the hat back on without much hesitation.

I decided that it was probably related to his real mother somehow. I wouldn't ask questions ever again unless he told me things about it.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 968 <:>

''' Qilby'''

I returned to the forest, knowing what I had for me next. Grougaloragran would be here any minute.

"You who dares mess with Grougaloragran's plans, where do you think you have such authority?" the dragon's voice echoed through the forest in search of his offender. I smirked as I felt the wind pick up from his large wings approaching.

"You.... You are a traitor in Grougaloragran's mind. What have you done with the child?" he asked again. I turned around to show my face to the dragon.

"Ah, Grougaloragran, you are a bit older than I remembered," I began with a calm voice, "I've only done what is best for my people." The dragon transformed into his humanoid form to deal with me. He came a bit closer, his face dark, but also ridden with worry. That would be his weak point, anyway, that he cared too much. Just like Yugo.

"You have no people," the dragon simply responded. I quietly laughed.

"Hah... I will have my way, my brother."

"You are no brother of Grougaloragran. You are a chaos-bringer."

"The only chaos in the World of Twelve in the, well, future, was Yugo's denial at handing me the throne. I will rule much more effectively than that child once I have Adamai on my side."

"Grougaloragran will never hand over the child-dragon."

I snickered and grabbed hold of the Eliacube. This old dragon had no chance.

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