Start from the beginning

After a few minutes, I heard Harry come in with my order. "Here's your latte and strawberry cheesecake." He put the tray down on the table and smiled at me. "I'm glad you found something to read," he commented. "I hope you enjoy it!"

"Great ambiance, amazing coffee, delicious looking pastry, and excellent service. This is probably the best coffee shop I've been to. Trust me, I've tried a lot of coffee shops, but none of them can compare with this one." I gazed at the food in front of me then I looked up at Harry with a smile. "Thank you."

I didn't wait another minute to taste the cake. After tasting it, my first thought was, "Wow, that's really good!" My eyes widened in surprise as I tasted the delicious cake. "This is delicious. How did you bake them? When did you learn it? Who taught you?" I knew I was blabbing too much, even embarrassing myself, but I couldn't resist asking these questions.

Harry turned his head for a second, then redirected his attention back to me with a smile. "Thanks, Emma. You're too kind!" I wondered why he kept doing that? He seems so shy. Wasn't he used to compliments and praise?

But he's in a band and I'm sure he hears a lot of these, especially in their music. Maybe this was the first time he heard something about his baking skills?

"Harry dear, your shift is over. Why not join the young lady and continue your conversation?" Nana suddenly suggested.

"But Nana, my—"

"Oh he already told me yesterday that he'd be running late. I bet he's on his way right now and besides, all the works are already done for now so don't worry." Nana said with a sweet smile.

Harry nodded and smiled in return. He then faced me and asked, "Mind if I join you?"

I gestured for him to take a seat, thrilled to hear him share his baking stories with me. I wasn't sure why, but I liked talking to Harry. It was refreshing. Also, I was curious about his baking skills. Who knows? Maybe he'll share some baking secrets with me?

He sat down and asked, "So, where should I start answering your questions?"

I closed my book and leaned forward in my chair, eager to begin the conversation. "I'm curious, when did you learn to bake?"

Harry looked up thinking, his eyes twinkling with delight. "Well," he began, "When I was 14, I worked in a bakery in my hometown. I started off by learning how to roll dough and I really enjoyed it. After that, I decided to explore the world of pastries. When I got into uni, I got a part-time job here and Nana taught me everything about cakes. So, I guess that's it."

"That's really cool. Nana taught you well, huh?" I was impressed! "You're one lucky lad. You have a job and at the same time you're taking baking lessons for free. I wish I could do that too." I added. I ate another piece of cake and gushed, "This is really good!"

"Well Emma, it's your lucky day." Harry suddenly said. I looked up and saw him beaming.

My face lit up with excitement. "You're sharing your baking secret?"

"Close enough." He chirped. His smile just got wider and the dimple on his cheek deepened. Why do you have to be so cute? "How would you like a part-time job here?"

Harry caught me off guard with his question. I wasn't prepared for that one as I was still busy admiring his face. "Wait, sorry. I'm not quite sure if I heard you right. Did you just say that... Are you offering... Am I going to have a..." I probably looked like an idiot right now. I couldn't even complete my sentence!

This brought Harry to a hearty laugh. "We're looking for someone who wants a part-time job in the coffee shop. I'm asking if you're interested. So, are you?"

Working in a coffee shop surrounded by the aroma of coffees, delicious pastries, and books and novels? This is a dream!

"You really have a beautiful smile, Emma."

I didn't realize I was beaming like an idiot until Harry noticed it. He said beautiful smile.

Beautiful, huh?

I didn't pay too much attention to that comment, I know the truth anyway. My face probably looked like a Cheshire cat because I was smiling so widely right now! He was just being nice to me, that's all.

"Harry, you don't need to say flattering things because I'm taking this job no matter what!" I cheered with excitement. I reached out to both of his hands, and squeezed them tightly. "Thank you so much. I want this job. Thank you. Thank you!"

Harry was staring at me with a surprised expression on his face. Maybe he was taken aback by my enthusiasm and was not expecting me to be so passionate and excited about the job! I was about to tell him that this was like a dream come true for someone obsessed with books and coffee like me, but my upcoming speech was caught in my throat.

"Hello!" That familiar voice suddenly echoed inside the coffee shop. Funny with just one word, I could easily recognize him. "Hi, Nana. Sorry I'm late. Hey, Harry! Sorry I'm late. Thank you for covering some of my shift. I'll take over now."

You've got to be kidding me!

I felt my heart racing rapidly, and I tried to calm my nerves.

I couldn't believe he was here. What was he doing here?

I was still silently hoping and praying that what I heard was wrong and he wasn't actually here, but who am I kidding? His voice is distinctive and unique. You could actually tell it was him just by hearing him speak!

Harry then stood up. I let go of his hands and concentrated my attention on the strawberry cheesecake in front of me.

"Hey! I'm glad you're here. Great timing too because I want you to meet someone."

Could this ground open up and eat me right now, please?

Seriously, I think I'm having a heart attack. Why did I even accept this job? What was I thinking?

Even without looking up, I could now see two figures standing in front of me.

"Emma I'd like you to meet Louis. Louis, this is Emma. She's our new employee. From now on, she'll work here with us." Harry's tone was full of excitement and glee.

You can't always get what you want, huh?

I took a deep breath before standing up. I raised my head and my eyes zeroed in on Tommo's. I couldn't quite figure out what the expression on his face was all about. It was blank and unreadable.

"It's cool to have you here." He said flatly. He extended his right hand and offered me a handshake.

For the sake of being polite, I took it and forced a smile. "It's my pleasure to be here."


A/N: Sweet Harry vs Spicy Louis? >.<

Advance chapters available on my Patreon Account: notjustarandomgirl. (Link in Bio)

Check out my other stories: Lose You To Love Me, Better Than Revenge, The Bro Code.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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