|Drunk karaokeing|•Megumi Fushiguro•

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                          Enjoy :)

It was your anniversary with Megumi. Two years of your love.
Gumi was letting you pick what you guys did together and of course you chose ★ Karaoke ★
*Gumi was against it, but you wouldn't let him protest*

You stand in front of the mirror and smooth on pink lip gloss then pucker out your lips. "Perfect" you mutter. Just on que Gumi walks in behind you and laces a hand around your waist.
"Are you ready love?" He sweetly asks.
"Mhm! Oh I can't wait! This is gonna be so fun my, Gumi bear!" You tackle him into a tight hug. Gumi embraces you and kisses your lips.

"Let's get a move on before the place closes."

"The karaoke place doesn't close until eleven"

You guys hop in the car and drive to the house of music. You pay, then find your booth and enter.

You smile with glee and put in your song choice.

"People dream high in the quiet of the night, you know that I got it"

"Bad bad boy shiny toy with a price you know that I bought it"

"Killin' me slow, out the window, I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below"

"Devils roll the dice, angels roll there eyes what doesn't kill me makes me want you more"

You so badly want for Gumi to sing, just once, but he's rather unwavering.

At this point you know. The only way, is to get him drunk. How terrible to say, but it was true.

"Hey Gumi, pass the bottle!" You ask him.

"Here" he passed. You take a sip of the burning liquid, and pass it to him.

"What score did you get?"

"It's why I can't be sober. Im not in my zone!"
He takes a small sip followed by a burning 'ahh'
"Is that all your planning on drinking tonight?" You ask.

"Nah, I'll drink more later" he said rather quietly. Gumi was the quiet type. But if you manage to get close to him he is really sweet and super kind.
And if you manage to get him drunk, then GOOD ON YOU. It means your within a very small ring of people he trusts very much. *Some people being Gojo, You, and Maki*

He is actually a very loud person when intoxicated, you know what they say, a drink soul speaks a sober mind.

You somehow managed to bug him till he gave and guzzled like half the bottle. You have that effect on him. He sat forward, and held up the mic.

"What song are you picking?" You ask.

"You'll see"

"If they saw what I saw, they would fall the way I fell, but they don't know what you are, and baby I would never tell"

"If they knew what I knew, they would never let you go, so guess what? I ain't never letting you go cause"

"Your lips were made for mine. And my heart would go flat line if it wasn't beating for you all the time"

You actually litterly squeal so hard you feel like your head might blow off.

Megumi secretly had an amazing voice and just never told anyone about it.

After Gumi was done, you and him both check the score, and he got a 94 out of 100.

94 is like the highest score you've ever seen at a karaoke place.

"Omg Gumi!! You never told me you were such a great singer!!"
Megumi just looks at you with those eyes, and shrugs.

"Well I never found it necessary " he defends. He grabs the bottle again, and takes a good sip.

"Wonna do a song together Y/n?"

You gasp. You've went from asking him if he wanted to sing, to him asking you.

"Mhm!" And you nod vigorously.

Your both done with singing for a long time now. You both hop in the car, and take the wheel since you were less drunk than him. You slowly and carefully drive home. Forget speeding, you may have been doing less than the speed minimum. You managed by some miracle get home, both of you good.

Gumi plopped down on the bed- slight water droplets dripping from the tips of his hair. From there, he rambled on about everything he's kept bottled up.

It was nice seeing Gumi so open.

In the end, the both of them fell asleep together on the couch, watching there favorite movie.


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