Chapter 4

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Following the Bloody Trails II
Chapter 4

It's the guy I met before buying crab soup...

Oh you're awake! Does your back still hurt?
He asked.

A little bit yes but...
I try to stand up

I'm recovering...
Agh it felt like a knife went through my back.

No no no no. Just sit. He stood up aiding me.

Manda right? Is that your name?

I was a bit... scared If he knew who I was... but I already told him... does he already know that I was on the news?..

Yeah it's Manda.

Well my name is Matthew. Nice to meet you Manda.
Honestly my profile for him fits... A little bit.

Why are you covered with wounds? If you don't mind me asking haha...

Accidents...happen. Manda then stood up properly.

Heyy don't stand up it will just worsen!
He grabbed my shoulders

Then suddenly
A voice came out from the door.

Hello? Im with the police please cooperate and open the door.

We looked at each other, I asked myself what to do then he pulled me into the closet.
He signalled me to stay quiet and closes the closet.

But my back... It still hurts. I tried to take a peek, great thing this closet has holes.

He opens the door.

Hello sir are you familiar with a person named Manda Hogers?

Oh I'm sorry Sir but I do not know who that is.

All right. If you happen to find her, please do not hesitate to call us.

Alright sir.

Then just like that the officer left.
He then took me out of the closet.

Sorry for putting you there. He turned to me and apologized.

So you know who I am? I turned to him.

Yes... I know you.
Quite shocked with his reply...

Why are you helping me? I asked

I know I just feel like you aren't the killer. You wouldn't do that... Because If you were you would've killed me by now... And I heard that you were close with that person...

He's quite smart... But still a little too naive to even try.

I can also help! I really wanted to do this when I was little!


I sighed in disbelief.

What do you want? I asked still in disbelief.

I just want to help... You can't even go to your house or apartment anyway, you'll just end up dying.

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