Chapter 1

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Memories of the Forgotten
Chapter 1

The cries of the victims is the only thing I heard.
Full of rubble, broken roofs, and pure destruction.

I gave a promise...

Will you really save me?
He told me, filled with hope in his eyes.

Yes just wait here for a sec okay? I'll be right back.

It was the "Great Event"
Where an unknown terrorist group started to drop bombs.

He said to me..

I looked at him dearly

Yes I promise.


I shouldn't have promised.

I went back to my commander to tell him that there are many people that needed to be saved.

Sir there are still more victims underneath the bridge.

I was desperate at this point.

No abort to save them, our helicopters are already full. We already came, and got what we needed.

After he said that... anger took control of me.

You would leave these people to die?! What happened to "Our people's safety comes first."!?

"Don't question the one who commands you!" "Now get the people moving!" He shouted.

I was amused that even people can go like this even my commander who I knew was a good person..

I had no chance but to..
Listen. And follow the instructions..

As the helicopter flew I saw.......


I saw him with eyes that sought help.

The one I promised.

He kept on waiting..and waiting and waiting


In the distance..

A huge explosion happened.
Another bomb.

I saw him..
Under the flames.

I abandoned him.

A pure soul was left to burn.

This memory will haunt me forever.

And ever and ever and ever and ev-

As I woke up it was just another dream.
I need to go to work now. I said so myself.
I prayed, took a bath, ate then prepared myself to go.

Manda then arrives in her workplace feeling uneasy..

She then walks to her office..

With every step she felt that time was slowing down.

Then she encountered one of her co-workers.

"Good morning Manda!" With her smile reaching cheek to cheek.

I wasn't in the mood right now.
So with a cold response..

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