"I'm sorry, B."

"Has dad grounded you yet?"

"Oh yeah." Bella nodded with a chuckle. "So, they're back? The Cullens?" Brooke asked, noticing Edward's shadow that was lingering in the doorway of Bella's bedroom.

"Yeah, they are."

"I hope it was worth it, Bells. You seriously scared me, and not only that, you hurt Jake." Bella winced at the thought. "I know..."

"B, there's something I have to tell you." Bella pulled her into her own bedroom where Edward was, closing the door behind her. "Dracula." Brooke acknowledged her sister's boyfriend who had moved to stand by the window.

"Hello Brooke."

"So, what's the news?"

"In their world, there are these kings, the Volturi. I went to go save Edward from them, and well, I'm human." Bella began to speak, her tone slightly soft as she spoke. "That's a problem for them, I guess. So, I've asked Edward to change me, when the time comes."

"What?" Brooke exclaimed. "You can't be serious?" She scoffed, looking over at Edward who had a pained expression at his face, reading all the angry and violent thoughts that were going through Brooke's head.

"Bella, you can't! Y—You'd lose everything! Me, Charlie, Jake and—" Brooke cut herself off to catch her breath. "You just can't, Bells."

"It's my decision, Brooke. It's what I want." Brooke shook her head. "Why would you throw your life away like that? Your humanity."

"I want to be with Edward. I'm already a part of this world..." Brooke glared at Edward. "and you? You're okay with this?" The vampire shook his head. "Of course not."

"I need your support, B. Please." Bella looked at her twin, Brooke's eyes glistened with tears as she shook her head. "I will support you in anything else, but not this. Not when it means I lose my sister, my twin."

"You wouldn't lose me?"

"I wouldn't? Bella, you'd be dead. You wouldn't be able to stand to be near me because of my blood. How could I support that?"

"You're my sister and I love you so much, but I will not support your decision. I'm sorry." Her voice broke before she stormed out of Bella's bedroom and into her own, locking the door.

"Emily!" Brooke knocked on the door, letting herself in when she head the scarred woman shout that she was in the kitchen.

"Hi Em!"

"Hey sweetheart. What brings you by?" She took out some muffins from the oven, placing them on top of the kitchen counter so they could cool for a bit. "Bella's back, with her boyfriend. Didn't really feel like being around them right now." Brooke sighed.

"Well, you're always welcome here, honey."

"Where's the pack?" The house was surprisingly empty. "Patrol. The redhead stopped coming around, but Sam's worried she'll be back." Emily sighed, the idea of her fiancée out hunting vampires was never something she could get used to.

"I doubt she will, now that the Cullens are back."

"They're back?" Jacob's angry voice was heard from the doorway, causing Brooke to freeze. "Jake—"

"She's back too? Bella's back?" He walked up to her and she nodded. "I don't think now's a good time, Jake." Brooke tried to stop him but he was already making his way outside.

"Let him go." Emily said softly. "He'll learn eventually, and when he does...he's gonna need his best friend to lean on." The scarred woman comfortingly placed a hand on Brooke's shoulder.

"Thanks, Em."

Loud shouts and hollers echoed from outside, signaling that the pack had arrived. "Now, wanna help me feed these animals?" Brooke chuckled but nodded nonetheless.

Paul walked into the home with Jared, both arguing about something. "No—You're wrong!" Jared exclaimed before Paul punched him. "Shut it." He made his way over to the kitchen, pinching Brooke's side.

"Paul!" She turned, playfully glaring at the shifter. "Didn't know you were stopping by." He said, a soft smile on his face. "Surprise?"

"Whipped." Jared coughed loudly.

"I'm gonna kill him." Paul growled before Emily shushed him. "You can kill him after you all eat. Put this on the table." She handed him some plates.

"Do what the boss says, Paul." Brooke teased and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Aye, aye, captain!"


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