Chapter 7-the kiss

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I had liked the kiss, but it wasn't Dally's kiss. Soda's kisses were warm and nice, while Dally's had a edge to it, a bit more rough. I needed to go see Dally, I needed to explain what happened and beg him to take me back. Without a second thought, I ran out the door and started running to Buck's.

When I got there I knocked on the door and Buck answered and said "hey y/n, what do you want?" "I have to see Dally" I said desperately. He shrugged and said "sure, should be up in his room." I then entered the house and ran up the stairs and entered his room without knocking, but when I got in the room I saw him shirtless, with a girl on his bed.

We all stood there for a moment, Dally and I staring at each other with wide eyes and he started to say "y/n this isn't how it looks" but I started sprinting out and once I was outside I hid in a bush so he couldn't see me. I heard him come out onto the porch and yell "y/n please just let me explain, it wasn't what it looks like." But I just stayed hidden until he went inside. Then the tears started to pour over.


I had just come back from a walk to clear my head from the argument me and y/n, I was about to walk up to my room when he said "your ex Silvia came by, she's in your room I think" uhgg... why did I have to deal with her today to.

When I entered the room and I saw my ex on the bed. She sat up and gave me the fakest smile I had ever seen and said "hey Dal, how you been?" I was so sick of her and I rolled my eyes and said in annoyance "what do you want?" She smiled and said "you, Dal" I rolled my eyes and Scoffed and said "never going to happen, now get out."

Just as I was about to force her to leave, y/n opened the door and stared at the scene with bewildered eyes. I tried to explain that it wasn't what she thought but she ran out and I tried calling out to her but it was no use.


I was about to leave to go back to Soda, it was a few hours later and I was still crying, but before I could I saw a small piece of paper and a pencil and I remembered I was still wearing Dally's necklace. I took the piece of paper and wrote. Have your dam necklace back. Then I took the necklace off and put it in front of the door with the note so Dally would find it.

I made my way back to the Curtis house, and the tears were still flowing from my eyes. I saw Soda who immediately hugged me and I cried into his chest.

The rest of the night was a blur, I must have fell asleep last night, because this morning I was in a bed and was in Soda's arms. I got out of bed trying not to wake Soda, or anyone else, and made my way to the bathroom.

My eyes were puffy and red from crying all of yesterday, and my hair was a mess, I decided I would feel better after a shower, so I took one and changed into one of my extra pairs of clothes that I had left here.

After I was changed I saw Pony, Soda, and Darry in the kitchen making breakfast. Soda gave me a small smile and said "hey y/n, good morning, can I talk to you a second about what happened yesterday?" I just nodded in response and we made are way outside.

Once we were outside Soda asked "so what happened with Dally, I know something happened with him cause you're not wearing his necklace anymore?" I sighed and said "I was walking in his room and I found him shirtless with a girl on his bed." He looked at me with an apologetic look and pulled me into a hug and said "y/n I'm so sorry he hurt you." I hugged him back and some of his earlier words were ringing in my mind "y/n, he doesn't care, all he will do is hurt you" and I was realizing just how right Soda had been.

We walked back into the house and ate breakfast together. Then we heard a knock on the door, which was unusual, because the gang usually just comes and goes as they please. Darry got up from the table and went to go answer it.

When he did I heard a familiar New York accent ask "hey Darry, is y/n here, I really, really need to talk to her." I then heard Darry yell out "hey y/n, it's for you!" I then got up and walked to the door and saw Dally there, his necklace in his hands.

I soon noticed Soda who was standing behind me, glaring at Dally. Before Dally and I could say anything Soda said "you know you have some real nerve coming here and asking to talk to y/n after what you did." Dally looked back at Soda with anger in his eyes and said "You mind your own business, you have no idea what even happened." Soda then said "well the girl y/n told me about on your bed gave me a pretty good idea."

Dally then turned back to me and said "y/n, trust me I know it looks bad, but if I could just have a minute to explain, you would understand." Me and Soda scoffed at the same time. But then I looked into Dally's eyes, and I saw something that made me want to trust him, so I said to him "alright, fine" but as Dally and I were heading out to the yard to talk, Soda grabbed my wrist and said "why are you giving him another chance."

Dally looked back and realized I hadn't followed him and he saw Soda holding my wrist, so he came back up the steps and said to Soda "mind your god dam business." Soda then looked at me, and I could tell he was going to say something he would regret "it became my business when y/n slept with me last night." And that's when Dally threw the first punch and the fight broke out.

Dallas Winston and SodaPop Curtis love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now