Chapter 5-Buck's Party

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Dally and I arrived at what looked to be a bar, that had rooms upstairs. Dally grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward a group of people then says "hey Buck, wanted to introduce you to my girl." "Hey there, the names Buck" Buck said. I responded "Hi, I'm y/n" "well it's nice to meet you y/n" he said. I replied "it's nice to meet you too"

After a little while Dally started to wander off, he was drinking a beer, while I was just having a coke, I had never drank alcohol.

I started to wonder around too, soon I started feeling tired so I started looking for Dally. I found Dally on a sofa talking to what I assumed was his friends. I walked over to Dally and said "hey Dal, I'm getting kind of tired, where's the room?" He said "oh, come on Doll we just got here, sit down have a drink." He then grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap and handed me a beer. He seemed a little drunk. If I drank the beer, it would be my first drink, and I wasn't sure if I was ready, but Dally asked me to, so I did.

I took a sip, and Dally smirked. I finished the bottle a little while later and Dally then insisted on me having another one, so I did, and then I couldn't remember much after that.

In the morning I woke up and was in Dally's arms and in a bed. I had a terrible headache and my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Dally walks in a few seconds later and smirks and says "good morning Doll, having a hangover? You only had two beers. "It was my first time drinking." I responded. He laughed and said "I could tell"

A few hours later I was feeling better and Dally and I decided to go to the Curtis's house. Once we arrived we see Johnny, Pony, and Soda. Oh god, I really hope Dally and Soda don't start fighting. Soda notices me and says "hey y/n, you feeling alright? You look a little sick." I responded "yeah I'm fine, just have a little bit of a hangover." He looked concerned "oh I didn't know you drank." He said. I responded "yesterday was my first time" I laughed a little and continued "I only had two beers."

Soda then turns his attention to Dally with an accusing look and says "I assume she drank at a party you took her to" Dally just smirked and said  "sure, what ever man" Dally then takes my hand and pulls me over to the sofa with him.

Dally then looks at the time a little while later and says "I have to go, I'm supposed to meet with Johnny in ten minutes" he then pauses and looks at Soda then backs to me "but it won't take long Doll." He then smirks and kisses me for a few seconds then pulls away and as he's walking towards the door I say "Bye, don't take to long" and then he walks out the door leaving me alone with Soda.

Soda then walks over and sits down next to me and says "hey y/n, are you sure you really feel alright?" I respond "yeah, it's just a little headache" he then stays silent for a few minutes before saying "did Dal make you drink it?" I debated what to say but then said "he offered it to me and I accepted." He looked like he didn't believe it and said "by 'offered' you mean he handed it to you and told you to drink it, y/n I know you better than to believe you would want to drink, that night we went to the movies you mentioned you never drank alcohol."

I was starting to get a little annoyed at him and I snapped and said "he didn't make me do anything, I chose to do it." He looked at me seriously and said "y/n he's being a bad influence, I know him too, and I knew he was drunk, and trying to get you drunk." I was really starting to get ticked off and said "we didn't do anything, so there was no reason for him to 'try to get me drunk' we were just having a good time." He seemed to want to say something else but then said "I have to go to work, see you later" I then said "bye, see you later"and he walked out the door.

About thirty minutes or so Dally came back in and sat next to me on the couch and put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey Doll, did Soda try anything?" He said. I responded "not really, he just said somethings like always, but I didn't listen to him" he smirked and said "well that's good" then he kissed me, this time it was more passionate than it had ever been, and it lasted for a while until we needed air, but then we kissed again and then he started tugging at my shirt, but Darry walked in.

Me and Dally immediately stopped he was smirking at Darry and I was so embarrassed I was completely red as I was pulling down my shirt. Darry gave us a suspicious look and said "hey, what you two up to?" Dally laughed and said "oh nothing much."

Dally then said "you two wanna go to the dingo, I'm starvin' man" Darry said "sure, Pony is meeting with Johnny and Sodas at work" Dally then looked at me and smirked and pulled me up from the couch and said "come on Doll, let's go" and so we all started walking to dingo for dinner.

On the way to the dingo we were passing the DX and Darry said "wait a minute, let me go tell Soda something" he then went in for about five minutes and then came back out and we continued walking to the dingo.

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