Chapter 2 - Rise of the School Idols

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It was now noon after my visit to Maki in the music room. The clock struck 3 pm, and I found myself back in the student council room, deep in a meeting with the President and Vice President. We were discussing plans for the upcoming welcoming party.

After an hour of deliberation, the President excused herself, leaving the Vice President and me with a task: to stamp the forms with approval for those signed by the President.

In the ensuing silence, we diligently worked on our assigned task until I decided to break the quiet.

"Do you think President Ayase will try to persuade the teachers?"

I asked while approving the forms.

"Fufu~ Nishihara-kun~ I don't think that's the most pertinent question."

The Vice President replied with a chuckle.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"The real question should be, do you think her plan for the welcoming party will succeed?"

"We're talking about President Ayase here, after all. Of course, I believe in her."

"I'm glad you do," the Vice President responded with a smile.

Silence settled over us once again, broken only by the sound of stamping and rustling papers.

"By the way... It seems like those three girls are serious about becoming school idols," she remarked, breaking the quiet.

I paused, turning to look at her. "If that's what they want, then I won't stand in their way. After all, they did request to use the auditorium."

"Mhm~ I'm quite excited to see how it turns out too."


"I've also been keeping an eye on their training at the shrine." Nozomi continued the conversation, making me pause and look at her.


"Are you... curious?" she asked, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips.

"I'd be lying if I said no."

"Fufu~ I'm glad you're honest then."

An hour later, we finally completed our task, and as we left the room together, I couldn't help but voice my curiosity.

"Can I watch them train too?"

I asked as we strolled down the hallway.

"Of course~ Although you have to be early." She answered.

"The shrine, huh..."

I had heard about Nozomi-senpai from other students; they mentioned she was helping out at the local Kanda Shrine. Considering her affinity for tarot cards, perhaps she had a penchant for spiritual pursuits.

"Now then, shall we call it a day?"

I nodded in agreement, and the two of us left the student council room, walking together for a while before parting ways.

Heading home, I made my way to my room, eager to relax after a long day.

Now then... I guess it's time for me to learn more about idols.

After spending the entire night immersed in learning about idols, I eventually fell asleep on the couch.

sounds of an alarm clock

The next morning, I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. Rubbing my eyes, I noticed that the television was still on.

"There goes my electricity bill," I muttered to myself, reaching over to turn it off. As I stretched, I couldn't help but notice the lingering scent of sweat on my clothes.

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