12 | Silken Bonds

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"I just want to talk, Hanni," I continue, sighing again. "I want to clear everything up. We need to talk. You can tell me everything."

She swallows visibly before gingerly opening her eyes, turning to look at me.

"I've hurt you," she states matter-of-factly. Her gaze fixed on my injured shoulder. "You'll hurt me back as payback... right?"

I notice she sneaks a glance at my body before quickly averting her eyes, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I suppress a chuckle, then it escapes me nonetheless.

"No. I have no intentions of hurting you. Ever since the beginning." I state firmly.

"You do?"

"Mhm," I nod.

"Then why did you... tie me up like this?" she asks, blushing furiously as she realizes the situation.

I chuckle softly. Is this really the same person who tried to kill me?

"It's for both of our safety," I whisper, gently stroking her head again. "You remember what happened earlier, right? We both got hurt once you're out of my arms."

"Are your wounds treated?" Concern evident in her voice.

I offer her a gentle smile. "I'm fine, Hanni. Don't worry. I've taken a couple of bullets before. I'll take more for you."

Her cheeks flush at my words, but she quickly hides her embarrassment. I chuckle and lean in to kiss her forehead. She can't resist anyway, given her tied-up state.

"Are you mad at me?" Her voice uncertain.

"I understand why you did what you did," I answer honestly. "I've killed thousands of people. It could have been one of your loved ones. But let's talk first, okay?"

She nods, her eyes clouded with sorrow. I curse myself for everything I've done. But I've already faced the consequences anyway.

"Hanni, listen," I begin, gently stroking her head. "I don't mind dying. You can kill me or hurt me however you want. But I have a sister I need to take care of, so I need to live."

She still looks at me with those sad eyes. "You love your sister that much?"

"She's the person I love the most in this world. But now that I've met you, you could take that place."

She scoffs and blushes at my words, her wrist squirming as she tries to free herself.

Oh, poor her for being like this. I'm so sorry, piccolo.

"I'm sorry. I'll free you once we've cleared everything up, okay?" I assure her, smiling gently as I stroke her cheek.

She nods, understanding my instruction.

"So, who's your husband? What's his name?"

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "He's the detective in charge of your case. His name... Carlos Cassano."

I fall silent, having no idea who that might be.

"Do you know him?" Her voice weak.

I shake my head.

"Really?" she scoffs cynically. "Of course you wouldn't know every person you've killed."

"I'm so sorry," I whisper quietly, feeling guilty for her suffering.

"It was on our wedding day. I remember every single detail. I was the happiest woman alive... thinking I was living every girl's dream of marrying the love of her life," she sniffles, tears streaming down her cheeks. I gently wipe them away.

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