Chapter 17: Armaan knows about Sana

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Armaan took his seat beside Tara and did something which shock everyone including Tara... he takes her right hand in his left and make himself comfortable... everyone looking at him with shock as he did not show interest in any girl not even Taniya who was behind him for a long time and then give teasing smile to him while his whole attention was on Sana to see her reaction and seeing her shock and disappointing, he got satisfied and our Tara become red and try to take her hand back but he holds her hand tightly... seeing this she stops and sigh...

But all the time Armaan was thinking something...


Previous day when he reaches his cabin and stared to discuss his schedule with his PA Vivek then, suddenly someone knock and come in his cabin and seeing those persons Armaan become little shock because those persons behave weirdly... after seeing this Armaan dismiss Vivek and look at those people who is sitting in front of him...

Armaan: what happened suddenly... (seriously)

Person: we want to talk to you about something...

Armaan sigh and look at then...

Armaan: what happened Raghav why did you come early in the morning that to with Ekant... (raising his one eyebrow)

Ekant: that is the same question we want to ask you what happened to you why you are lost from some days... (with concern)

Armaan sigh hearing this and decide to share the thing with them... then he shares everything, how he shows that blue eyes and then bump with her in marriage and then got to know about her being known by Dadi sa and the biggest shock that she is Mr. Mehta's daughter... how he can't ignore those fillings...

Hearing this Both his friends become shocked and look at him like he is some ghost... because Armaan and love does not fit in one sentence...

Ekant: you mean Tara Mehta from Anniversary party... (confirming tone)

As soon as Armaan nod, Raghav and Ekant become excited and hug him with excitement...

Raghav: what is she doing? Is she having a same filling for you? And most importantly is she perfect for you and strong enough to stand for you in every step?...

Ekant: relax Raghav give him time to speak...

Armaan: I don't know anything, but one thing is there that Dadi sa attach with her, so she has to be someone special... (with smile)

Then Armaan looks at Raghav and see that he is looking Worried and then gesture Ekant like 'what happened to him' but Ekant just nod as no...

Armaan: what happened to you now Raghav...

Raghav: I want to say something... and then share everything he notice in anniversary party about Sana...

So, guys the person was Raghav who notice every move of Sana...

Raghav: you have to be careful from that girl...already one is behind you... so you don't want another hindrance in your love story... (last sentence say with wink)

Armaan: shut up Raghav... when did I say that I love her...

Ekant: guys we have to get detail of that girl so we can manage in future... because she will become another villain like that stupid Taniya... and I will do that...

Raghav: I will also try to know about her so we can get more information...

Armaan: hmm...

Flashback end...

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