Chapter 10: Radhika admired Tara

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Next morning,

Everyone is sitting on the dining table for breakfast after prayer... As usual everyone is bickering and then they move towards their work...

But Radhika hint Ragini and Nisha to come to their Rani Bagh (queen garden) to discuss something important...

But Radhika hint Ragini and Nisha to come to their Rani Bagh (queen garden) to discuss something important

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Three of them move towards the Rani Bagh after men went to their work

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Three of them move towards the Rani Bagh after men went to their work... They take their sit and Radhika said...

Radhika: I want to talk about Armaan's wedding...

And Ragini and Nisha look at each other because they were discussing these on previous day and they like one girl from previous wedding party, but they want to know what Radhika say so they keep quiet...

Ragini: what maa sa... (Curiously)

Radhika: I selected one girl for Armaan and she is best for him, our family and Kingdom...

Nisha: who is that girl maa sa... (Curiously)

Radhika: ....

Mehta house:

Same morning, Tara wakes up early today because she has to go to work, so get ready and went downstairs... She is in good mood today...

Tara come and see that everyone is going to sit on dining table, so she wishes everyone and as going to sit [except Keval who study in another city because his brother (Karan) suggests him perfect place for better study] but heard irritating voice and instantly made a face which is only notice by Karan...

That person was Sana, cousin of Tara who come after completing her project previous night and Tara did not know about it...

Sana: hello everyone...

Everyone answers her and she sit on her place...

Mohini: when did you came Sana...

Sana: last night mom... And guess what I got another project interview in Rathor groups...

[ Rathor groups is main business of The Rathor family that is handled by Abhinav and Abhigyan for now but after that it will handover to Armaan and other three and AR industries is also comes in Rathor Groups, but it was built by Armaan and Tara's father was transfer from main building to AR ]

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