Chapter 4-- Tori...

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Today is the day that I have my meeting with Jason. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. But it wasn't because of him, it was because of him wanting to see Victoria.

It was now 8:00am and the meeting wasn't until 10:00am.

I was in my office, waiting for Victoria to arrive so I could prep her for this meeting. I was nervous about it because I still have no idea what Jason had in store for Victoria.

If he hurt her, I think I would be joining my asshole father in prison.

But all I could remember was that she had kissed Tyler yesterday, and then spoke to me like it was the most normal thing to kiss me one day and kiss him the next.

As I was flipping through my paperwork I heard talking outside my office. The next minute the door swung open and there stood the blonde bombshell.

Normally I would be angry with people storming in my office like that, but surprisingly I wasn't really bothered.

She didn't look happy at all, sexy but not happy. She wore black skinny jeans and a smart blue blouse, hidden by her black blazer. Her hair fell in loose curls around her tanned face, she looked amazing when she has to look professional.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as she came and sat down on one of the leather chairs in front of my desk.

"Your stupid fucking secretary had the audacity to tell me that I had to make an 'appointment' to see you!" She shouted leaning back in the chair and putting her legs up on the desk, like Josh had days before. "I mean does she not know who I am?"

"If she didn't know who you are she certainly does now," I said chuckling when she shot me a glare.

"Whatever, now what do I have to do?"

"I actually have no idea. I don't know why you're here or why he wanted to see you, but he does," I reply, shrugging.

"Who is this guy anyway?" She asks taking her feet from the desk.

Just when I was about to reply, my door swung open for the second time today. Seriously do people not know how to knock?! There stood Jason Thompson.

"Tori," was the first thing he said when he walked in. Tori?

Victoria seemed to know what he was on about, because she spun round in her chair so fast, I was worried she would get whiplash.

"Jason?" She replied, jumping out of the chair and running to him, hugging him.

What the fuck is going on?

I coughed after about a minute of them talking quickly to each other, making them turn round, finally focusing on me.

"How do you know each other exactly?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh me and Jase go way back, high school actually," Victoria told me, looking back at a smiling Jason.

"I see. So was I used for you two to get a little catch up?! Because I don't like being messed around with!" I shouted at them in a stern voice, shocking Victoria and making Jason smirk.

"Calm down man. That's not the reason that I organised this meeting. I just wanted to know if you where trustworthy, obviously you are because you brought Tori here," he says smirking.

I scowled at him and went to stand up, but I was stopped when a soft hand fell in my arm, I looked over and saw it was Victoria.

"Don't," she says simply, yet sternly. I nodded and sit down in my chair.

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