chapter thirteen

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Eon-jin quietly settled into the car, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside. Unnoticed by her, tears started to well up in her eyes, and she quickly brushed them away, hoping to hide her emotions from Dong-hoon.

"It's okay, my dear. Let it all out." Dong-hoon said kindly, sensing her distress. With his encouragement, Eon-jin couldn't hold back any longer, and her tears began to flow freely.

"Loving someone isn't always easy. It comes with its share of ups and downs. Sometimes, you'll feel hurt. But that's just a part of the journey. It's through these experiences that you learn and grow." Dong-hoon imparted sagely, his words offering solace to Eon-jin's troubled heart.

Tears streamed down Eon-jin's cheeks as she spoke to Dong-hoon, her voice trembling with emotion. "Abeonim, I- I ended things with your son. I'm truly sorry for causing him pain."

Dong-hoon nodded somberly, his expression reflecting the weight of the situation. "I understand, my child. If that's what you feel is good for now, then I respect your decision." he replied, his tone heavy with regret. "I apologize for Min-hee's behavior too. She wasn't always like this. And I blame myself too. I failed her, and in doing so, I hurt my son and everyone involved. It's a mistake I'll carry with me for the rest of my life."

"I understand that I don't have the right to meddle in your relationship with my son," Dong-hoon began solemnly, his gaze fixed on Eon-jin. "I know my son well, he's not one to give up easily. So I implore you not to give up on him either. I have faith that both of you can overcome this hurdle. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but perhaps someday Min-hee will come to accept your relationship. Perhaps she'll realize that Tae-pyung is maturing and capable of making his own decisions."

Eon-jin remained silent, her mind swirling with doubts about her decision regarding her relationship with Tae-pyung.


Later, when Eon-jin returned home, she made a beeline for her room, catching her mother off guard.

"Eon-jin, have you eaten yet? I've cooked," Ji-ah called out from outside her daughter's closed bedroom door. Receiving no response, she knocked again. "Is everything alright? You can talk to me, maybe I can help."

After some time passed, the door to Eon-jin's room creaked open, and Ji-ah cautiously stepped inside, her concern evident on her face.

"Is everything alright, Eon-jin? Did something happen between you and Tae-pyung?" Ji-ah inquired gently, noticing her daughter's tear-stained cheeks. Without hesitation, she enveloped Eon-jin in a comforting hug.

"I ended things with him, Eomma." Eon-jin sobbed, her voice choked with emotion. Ji-ah's eyes widened in surprise, prompting Eon-jin to explain what had transpired.

"I'm not sure if breaking up with him was the right decision. I don't want the conflict between him and his mother to worsen because of me." Eon-jin confessed tearfully.

"Has Tae-pyung agreed to end things with you?" Ji-ah asked, her heart heavy with sorrow at her daughter's distress. Eon-jin shook her head in response.

"If you love him, why would you walk away? Is that truly what your heart desires?" Ji-ah questioned gently, her voice filled with sadness.

"My love for Tae-pyung is one of the most precious things in my life. But, I also can't bear the fact that we are hurting someone because of this relationship." Eon-jin admitted, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Sweetheart, remember, tough times don't last forever. This moment might seem heavy, but it's just a small part of your journey. Let yourself feel everything, cry if you need to, and know that I'm here, always." Ji-ah spoke softly, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

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